


High Speed Commingler badpatient earned the High Speed Commingler badge
a long time ago
Kloro Completist badpatient earned the Kloro Completist badge
a long time ago
Piety I badpatient finished learning the Piety I skill
a long time ago
Bubble Collector badpatient earned the Bubble Collector badge
a long time ago
Grilling II badpatient finished learning the Grilling II skill
a long time ago


thank you, friends!
i'm not gonna lie, i'm hella bummed that glitch is closing. i haven't been here for very long but i fell in love with the game immediately. but i'm not saying this to bring you down! i wanted to thank y'all for your part in making glitch as delightful as it is. i never imagined an mmo could have such a nice community; as someone with considerable social anxiety i was overjoyed to find a community as supportive and friendly as glitch's. so: thank you for everything, friends! i hope we can continue having a wonderful time together until the game's closing <3