


Apolline joined LAST HANGERS- ON
a long time ago

We love you, TS. We love you, Glitch.


Huh, I'm not in the picture. o_o

1 comment

Status update

Haven't stopped missing the game yet so listening to the Groddle Snappy Mix. Memories, memories...

0 replies
Ciaccona Ciaccona added Apolline as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Status update

I HAZ ALL THE SKILLZ!!! Another one for the bucket list.

0 replies
Mining IV Apolline finished learning the Mining IV skill
a long time ago


Thank you
Thank you, Tiny Speck. Thank you, Glitchens. For every line of code, every pixel, every sound, every answer, every credit, every token, every update, every random kindness, every kiss, every hug, every high five, every act of generosity and kindness. I'll miss you deeply. You were and are one of the greatest.