Edward Hipstingston


Naraka Completist Edward Hipstingston earned the Naraka Completist badge
a long time ago
Eyeballery Edward Hipstingston finished learning the Eyeballery skill
a long time ago
Animal Kinship V Edward Hipstingston finished learning the Animal Kinship V skill
a long time ago
Glutton for Nourishment Edward Hipstingston earned the Glutton for Nourishment badge
a long time ago
Rambler, First Class Edward Hipstingston earned the Rambler, First Class badge
a long time ago


Behind the grief and sadness. Beyond the need for just a second more. Isn't there an arresting serenity when you know the end is coming? There's nothing quite like it, is there? Each moment is more profound and all things are beautiful. I have seen and learned much in my short time in this place. Maybe someday there will be another place like this...

One made by all the hearts and minds that were touched by the wonder and love all around.
There is a serenity that comes with the impending end, isn't there? Can't you feel it? Behind all the fear and sadness. Behind the longing for just one more second. Simply knowing the end is upon onself makes each and every second more profound and filled in with beauty than ever before. I'm grateful to have had this experience. This place has taught me much about what is important and what is not. May you always have wonder and curiousity in your life.