
(Keri King)



Thank you a million times.
I have laughed while playing this game...thank you. I have smiled while playing this game...thank you. I have cringed while playing this game...thank you. I have made friends while playing this game...thank you. I have connected with friends I already had while playing this game...thank you. I have been cheered up while playing this game...thank you. I have spent hours being more productive because I would reward myself with this game...thank you. You made something wonderful, and I'm so honored to have been able to enjoy it while it was here. May all your glitches be small and productive, and may you find success in whatever you do. Noopsy & Keri
Alas, poor Glitch!
Glitch, I hardly knew you. But I was amazed. If only I'd stumbled across you a year ago, I would have been earnestly passing you along to everyone I know.
