Me and Doots, chatting in beautiful downtown Wickdoon Mood
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Grovery Firefly
Ha, I thought there would be a wood tree on it ;)
12 years ago
This very tree got poisoned earlier today but I showed up just in time to antidote it! The funny thing was, I went to Wickdoon that time because I needed a little more dirt for an earth block. So it was a lucky catch, without which it would have cost poison, a wood bean, a lot of waiting around, and a jar of Fertilidust LIte to get back up to this point.
12 years ago
But there will be 3 or 4 more different trees in this spot before you know it, do it's really not a big deal. Look at the chicken watching it, she can't wait to see what happens next! ;-P
12 years ago
Vocable Vocable snapped this
at 2:55pm on April 5, 2012
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