stoot barfield's Snaps

The gumbling in here!
Fancy seeing you here!
Goodbye, DIno
It's chaos everywhere!
My home street style for the end
A big piano party
Jumping bye, over a field of butter
Helping Eggy get the Badge
It's endless
Higher and higher
The Giants Awaken
Quite the Temple
So many places I haven't seen yet
For real
Tell me about it
Seriously now — c'mon! This region is hard!
I already miss you so much
I made my own forehorseman
Good job, Lisa
Holy crap, this place is amazing!
So much crap on my street! Hmm … thanks?!
So many people!
My house is a pigsty
I'm a rocket man!
The train enters the tunnel
Flying Cubimal Parade (If you go here, please don't take 'em!)
S'nice here
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