If you're sleeping in Hell keep sleeping...
Muncey Mango
Why does Trisor look all pixelated..?
12 years ago
Arthur Dent-Ur
I dunno, I wondered that myself! Anyone? Anyone?
12 years ago
Muncey Mango
maybe he was moving ;p
12 years ago
Arthur Dent-Ur
He was moving - but he is also so pixelated I cant even look at Trisor - I'm in Hell now and my eyes... it hurts my eyes!
12 years ago
Muncey Mango
Is it like that in-game or just in that snap?
12 years ago
Arthur Dent-Ur
Trisor was pixellated yesterday in game... not just the snaps.
12 years ago
Arthur Dent-Ur Arthur Dent-Ur snapped this
at 8:43am on May 1, 2012
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