Status update

awww, that is kind of sad because it sounds fun :(

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  1. Pickle Bob

    I'll be there for a long time if you get a device! :D

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Status update
Pickle Bob

I'll be there for a long time if you get a device! :D

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Status update

oh, good! lol, I don't know why I fight telephones so much. It is as if we were born mortal enemies. I haven't had a land line since 2004 and I've had cell phones twice for a total of two years, a millennium ago. My guy has one of those fancy touch screen "phones" that I can't stand using, I try to only use it once per month, to pay my auto insurance. Then, I drop it like it has something worse than the plague. Now you know, even if you didn't want to, lol. One day, I may try phones day...

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