Status update

Feeling much better since laying down watching cartoons with my daughter. Side note: I think spongebob is annoying

6 replies

6 replies
  1. Atlantis

    Glad you feel better! And spongebob..a tv show where the characters are most of the time screaming/yelling....very very annoying.

  2. BlackWolf

    Wish we could click "lke" from the ingame updates !

  3. Demaria

    yay you're better :) and i absolutely hate spongebob lol

    1 reply

  4. Linksfiresword

    Eh... Spongebob is..... well..... VERY STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. ha2la

    but I do like the bubble guppies, if she's young enough, check'em out

in reply to

Status update

Glad you feel better! And spongebob..a tv show where the characters are most of the time screaming/yelling....very very annoying.

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