Status update

I'm not having a great month, and I want to apologize to anybody I pissed off today. I should've used a (huge) bit more tact.

8 replies

8 replies
  1. Nanookie

    I must have missed it, and now I am burning with curiosity.

  2. ♥joby♥

    ♥ did nothing wrong IMO; you have a gentle soul and always will!

  3. CoffeeSnob

    what did you do? and how in the heck did i miss it?! you couldn't do anything to make me angry with you. you're great, but you're also stressed out. we all are. but, we're also patient and caring and families do NOT turn their backs on one another. so am sending *hugs* and much love your way!

  4. caley dunn

    I have missed whatever transgression you think you may have committed. I hear the forums are a bit warm today. That's enough for me to avoid them.

  5. chilirlw

    Missed it, whatever it was, but any contact from you is better than no contact.

  6. natsumi

    I love you anyway, dude. Stay away from the forums, but if you absolutely have to, talk only of onions rings and bacon.

  7. Irie

    I have ways of making you forget your troubles ;)

in reply to

Status update

♥ did nothing wrong IMO; you have a gentle soul and always will!

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