Status update

I've played around in tinkatolli a bit now. What off-line play is there? I've all but given up on Freggers, but Miramagia definitely has me checking in a couple times each day. Hoping hubby can walk me through some of Spiral Knights, the game mechanics are not my usual cup of tea.

4 replies

4 replies
  1. Minkey

    well, it is a kids' game so they have things for kids to do outside the game too. On the right side of the game is a green button called "move". If you click it, it gives you a set of simple exercises to do (like toe touching and stuff). It has a journal where you can write down what you did or made outside of the game and lets you upload photos of your projects. It also tells you how you can do things like giving your little sister some play time and so on. I think it is adorable!

  2. Wynella

    I also have been thinking of making a Tinkatolli kit IRL - cotton balls, q-tips, twigs, recyclables.. See what I can whip up. I can't recall a game that's ever inspired me to get creative OFFLINE. If you create something good, you can upload it, people can vote on it and if it wins, they add it to the game. Can you imagine? If I ever see you there :P Wyneener can friend you and invite you to her house! :D

    1 reply

  3. Wynella

    Also, as an introvert, I kinda really appreciate that you can turn off chat. That may not be something you're interested in, but I thought, since I have to tell you *everything ever*, I should mention it. ;)

    1 reply

  4. acro, obviously

    Strangely, I could not get into Miramagia... tried a few times and found it baffling and too simple at the same time. Maybe my brain just wasn't ready to move on to a different game, period. Having not been an online gamer prior to Glitch, that seems likely.

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Status update

well, it is a kids' game so they have things for kids to do outside the game too. On the right side of the game is a green button called "move". If you click it, it gives you a set of simple exercises to do (like toe touching and stuff). It has a journal where you can write down what you did or made outside of the game and lets you upload photos of your projects. It also tells you how you can do things like giving your little sister some play time and so on. I think it is adorable!

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