Status update

Whoo, go Minkey and Urlia! Taking it a step further: If you go into Petsmart (or PetCo, I forget which now, probably both) they sell beta fish in tiny little cups. The fish have no room at all to swim, or to hardly turn around. Fish gotta swim! I called and asked if they switch them out, giving them aquarium time...they said no. So I wrote an "official letter of complaint" (read: nasty email). I'll bring my trident and join you in battle...its name is Delphina, Defender of All Finned Friends.

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  1. Minkey

    Delphina, defender of the small, un-swimable fish, protector of petite blue and purple and aqua beady-eyed waterlettes, Bring your mighty trident to the rescue of all who are meek!! or, maybe just attack those who are annoying? yeah, I like that too :) I hadn't realized they kept them in cups :(

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Status update

Delphina, defender of the small, un-swimable fish, protector of petite blue and purple and aqua beady-eyed waterlettes, Bring your mighty trident to the rescue of all who are meek!! or, maybe just attack those who are annoying? yeah, I like that too :) I hadn't realized they kept them in cups :(

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Status update

*just attack those who are annoying* LOL yah, that sounds good too! :D Yup, they're in those cups forever, unless they have the luck of being bought. I'm not a big fan of aquariums in general (not home ones for tropical fish, and certainly not commercial ones for dolphins!), but tiny little cups is just inexcusable. (Darn it...NOW I have "Where have all the flowers gone?" stuck in my!!! Hums: *Oh when will they ever learn...") :D :D

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2 replies
  1. Minkey

    I was no longer allowed to have fish when I was very little (4 or 5) because I kept taking the lid off, for their freedom and then I'd cry and cry when I found them dried up on the floor, following their escape. I refused to leave the lid alone because I wanted them to have the chance to flee, even though I knew what it meant. I received my first little dog not long after, age 6. she did not flee.

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  2. Lyrical DejaVu

    Minimally those Betta cups need to be 3 times as big, i dont care if the fish can breath from the surface, which they can, and thats a big part of the excuse, they can breath so who cares? attitude. Even though they do start fights with pretty much any brightly colored fish its not an excuse, along with the breathability aspect to not let the m swim! and yes it tick me off as well....

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