Status update

17 days for the last mining. i swear it was 12 days hen i was level 29. omg

3 replies

3 replies
  1. Wrdnrd

    OUCH. Mine's currently at about 9 days. NOT looking forward to how many it will really take when i finally get to it (i'm probably doing it last).

    1 reply

  2. wanderin

    I have one day left on this skill. 8 days with the max better learning.

in reply to

Status update

OUCH. Mine's currently at about 9 days. NOT looking forward to how many it will really take when i finally get to it (i'm probably doing it last).

1 reply

Status update
Neatly Sliced

I tried to do all my long skills first. Longest so far has been 5 days. After finishing up tinkering (4 days) and gardening (will be about the same), Cooking is pretty much it! Woohoo!! I'll toss gems your way to help ease the time for ya.

1 reply

1 reply
  1. Neatly Sliced

    Whoops BL5 and M4 both took 7 days.. didn't seem that long though. Weird! Time vortex!

    1 reply