Status update

I think we've reached a compromise- Victoria BC. It's going to be a couple years, but hey, it's better than forever in the flat, dusty yuck of Kansas.

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1 reply
  1. kastlin

    Oh, Victoria is really beautiful!! I would happily move there, or even Vancouver, if I could talk hubby into it.

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in reply to

Status update

Oh, Victoria is really beautiful!! I would happily move there, or even Vancouver, if I could talk hubby into it.

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Status update

I think the plan for now is to move to Seattle, finish my botany degree, and then use that to get work in Victoria... I've got a few more years till that's all over with, but once it's done, we'll probably get there.. If we don't decide we like Seattle too much to leave :)

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  1. Minkey

    I love botany!! Studying botany, horticulture and going to get my degree in sustainable agriculture. Ohhh, botany! What school do you plan on attendinng (if I may ask that)?

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