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Hah! That one is my favorite. I must make 50 of those each time. The other I occasionally play is the clam digger one. Memory was fun, til it got all timed and pressure-y.

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  1. kastlin

    Clam digger is okay, but 3pak (?) is better (the one where you shoot a button, cherry, or nut to eliminate groups of 3 or more).

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Status update

Clam digger is okay, but 3pak (?) is better (the one where you shoot a button, cherry, or nut to eliminate groups of 3 or more).

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I dunno, I kind of prefer the one where you suck up algae and, if you suck up enough, you get a thing!

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  1. kastlin

    Oh, yes!! That's a good one too! The 3pak (?) is very similar to one of the Puzzle Pirates puzzles, so it feels quite "homey" to me. :-)