Status update

So like...I stood up the whole night, but I started to get sleepy as soon as the sun was coming out...what the hell man, I didn't know depression could fuck up your bio-clock so badly.

1 reply

1 reply
  1. Cerulean

    Unfortunately, it can. Especially if it's a seasonal depression. *hugs* I hope things perk up for you soon.

    1 reply

in reply to

Status update

Unfortunately, it can. Especially if it's a seasonal depression. *hugs* I hope things perk up for you soon.

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Status update

I just wanted to remind you that I'm a mental health therapist, in case you may be wondering why anything I say about mental health may be valid... lol.

2 replies

2 replies
  1. Eriol

    I'm depressed because of my's so difficult to live with this kind of stuff.

  2. LitaPie

    As if anybody has any actual reason to not take you at your word, you internet 4chan creeper n00b.

    1 reply