Status update

anyone else finding Glitch quite unresponsive today? sometimes yp to 10 seconds between clicking on an item and the menu options appearing.. on 2 different pcs and after numerous reloads/restarts etc

3 replies

3 replies
  1. DollFace

    im taking forever juz to load from map to map n opening my bags =.=!

  2. Pekoponian

    I've been noticing that for a few days now; especially after I donate to a shrine. I "exit the world", wait a few seconds, come back, and all works well.

  3. gimmegames

    Did you try upgrading your flash version (see forum)?

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Status update

Did you try upgrading your flash version (see forum)?

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Status update

I did yes, upgraded this morning. I'll see how it is now, hope it is better as it made the game almost-but-not-quite unplayable, especially when trying to mine on earthshakers. Only managed to mine a rock 2 or 3 times per buff because the menu took so long to load :(

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