Status update

There is a huge active Glitch community on FB. A lot of us on there play a non Zynga game called Here Be Monsters, a non violent (no fighting) quest and collecting achievements based game. They have just opened an in game mailing system and are about to intro a global chat as well.

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1 reply
  1. chilirlw

    I may have to give that game another try...I left b/c I could hardly play for 2 seconds w/out fending off friend requests (from non-Glitchen)...I'm a friendly person, but not THAT friendly!

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Status update

I may have to give that game another try...I left b/c I could hardly play for 2 seconds w/out fending off friend requests (from non-Glitchen)...I'm a friendly person, but not THAT friendly!

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