Status update
Liza Throttlebottom

Can't wait for a regular schedule of feats :) The two we've had have been very neat, but not my cup of tea. I imagine TS plans to rectify that reaction by having many and varied feats. I look forward to the ones that will be more 'up my alley' so to speak :)

2 replies

2 replies
  1. Osiris χ

    There will be many more and I just KNOW they will have various different objectives

    1 reply

  2. Ramus

    I hate to be the one to rain on the parade. But staff members are saying this is what they are going to be, simple actions repeated multiple times over the course of a feat. Not really that exciting to me either. They say that some feats will become "Epic feats" which are linked up to other feats, also some feats that count participation more than total, but when it comes down to it, it will always be simple actions and spamming them over and over. :(

    2 replies

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Status update
Osiris χ

There will be many more and I just KNOW they will have various different objectives

1 reply

Status update
Liza Throttlebottom

I think the same! And Stoot's mention of back to back related feats called Epics was very interesting as well :)

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