Status update

There were a few locations, for example the cave in Thornfad Layers, that randomly gave you a letter when you entered. People would spell things by arranging themselves so their letters made words, like song lyrics. To change your letter, you had to exit then renter to be assigned a new letter. It was fun:)

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  1. Ann DramaDuh

    It looked like fun. I wanted to join in, but thought, "Oh, it's probably a ton of RL friends who are texting each other to meet there and do it." So I never asked.

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Status update
Ann DramaDuh

It looked like fun. I wanted to join in, but thought, "Oh, it's probably a ton of RL friends who are texting each other to meet there and do it." So I never asked.

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Status update

Nope, it was a bunch of in game friends, for the most part! I stayed out of most of them, but I did spell a few things.

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