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2 replies
  1. Cleops

    Yeah, natsumi, feverfew is a great idea. You can also take it as part of whats known as the triple therapy for headache/migraine sufferers - Feverfew, Magnesium and B2. I think in the US you can get a combo of the 3 called MigreLief from pharmacies.

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  2. natsumi

    aw ty :) Hugs! I must research feverfew. Just too many days with disrupted sleep cycles methinks. Waiting for the weekend. :)

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Status update

Yeah, natsumi, feverfew is a great idea. You can also take it as part of whats known as the triple therapy for headache/migraine sufferers - Feverfew, Magnesium and B2. I think in the US you can get a combo of the 3 called MigreLief from pharmacies.

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Yah, haven't tried feverfew myself but have heard excellent things about it. I prefer making a tea from dried herbs whenever possible, except when it tastes nasty...find they're generally more effective that way, as opposed to capsules, though capsules will do in a pinch. I have some dried feverfew in my cupboard...maybe I'll try it in the next couple nights and let you know how it tastes. ;)

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  1. Petra Herata Dynica

    feverfew is da bomb when it comes to dealing with migraines for me, anyway. It just tastes absolutely nasty - not as bad as hops tea, but that's not saying much. I generally brew a small cup very strong and then dilute it at least 2:1 with OJ and its bearable (if drunk quickly). I definitely recommend it though

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