Status update

Aw sorry to hear of your health issues, Cleops. And hope things look up for you soon. I am having the headache worked up by some friends who are docs, but have to suck it up till it gets better. Hoping to sleep it off. :) Sending lots of hugs and healing wishes your way :) :) :) <3

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  1. Cleops

    Thanks natsumi. Let me know if I can help with anything. There is very little I haven't tried....except botox, which is what they use for migraine sufferers now. Lulz. Sleeping it off will help but if still in pain tomorrow try some ice packs on the head. Hope you feel better soon.

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Status update

Thanks natsumi. Let me know if I can help with anything. There is very little I haven't tried....except botox, which is what they use for migraine sufferers now. Lulz. Sleeping it off will help but if still in pain tomorrow try some ice packs on the head. Hope you feel better soon.

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