
Housing Routes & Directory - Now Live

Now these points of data
make a beautiful line.
And we're out of beta,
we're releasing on time

Some of you might have already seen the Directory side of the new site, Glitch Housing Routes & Directory. Today I'm proud to announce the launch of the, well, the entire thing-a-llama.

In addition to the ability to see who connects to your home street and what resources are on each and every one of our home streets and what resources are on other people's home streets, now you can create and manage routes easily. Powerful tools are at your disposal to automatically detect breakages and change in resource distribution in your routes. Discover and visit new routes, find home streets with the resource you need and teleport there instantly with a single click.

If you're migrating a route over: You can contact me to have me import your route over if you have a list of members and links to their profile available. After creating a new route, your route won't be immediately listed on the routes list. If you want it to appear there, please drop me a mail.

We've been testing and migrating HRRs to the new system, so for now all routes you see are HRRs, but in the future we hope that every route will use this to manage their players. Please post any feedback, ideas, complaints, bugs you encounter, etc. here. Thanks!


Set by step guide to creating your own route:

1. Take a look at the other routes on site. We try not to have two routes with the same theme/resources, so don't duplicate an existing route
2. Go to the create route page. You'll need to enter in a name for your route as well as a description. Please keep the description short and sweet.
3. If you're operating a resource route, enter in the minimum resource requirement for your members to meet before they can join the route. If you have other kinds of requirements (eg. machines), enter them into the route description
4. Decide on which signpost you want your members to use. Remember than 1 and 5 (last) are taken by Serious Routes and HRRs, so you might want to chose something else instead.
5. If you want to limit the number of people who want to join, enter a maximum player number. If you want to keep the route private and manage signups using, say, a group or a thread on the forum, enter zero.
6. If your route belong to an existing route group, choose the group from the dropdown menu.
7. Hit submit to create your route
8. If your group already has members, you can add them to the route using the "Edit Player" button on the bottom right hand corner. If your route is long, and you have kept a list of names of players along with links to their profile, contact me so that I can import the list instead of having you to enter in each name manually.
9. At this point, your route will not be listed on the main routes page or the homepage yet (Anybody with the URL can still visit it). If you want it to be listed, please drop me a message through IM or mail.

And of course, if you have any problem please do not hesitate to contact me to ask for help.

Some extra information:

If you're interested in playing around with the raw data, a dump of the database is made every 6 hours and is available here:

If you don't want your information in the database, please follow the instructions here: We'll miss you though!

Basic inline HTML is available in route descriptions: strong, em, hr, br, a, img. Please try not to overuse them.

If you want to see what it's like to be on a route without actually been on a route, try joining the Testing Testing route, which was used to test the joining up process. There is no resource requirement, and you can always switch your second signpost away after joining.

If you want to create an invite-only group, you can try setting the maximum number of players on the route to zero. This means that you will need to add each new player manually though.

There's a way to see the teleport face of any player in the database. See if you can find out how ;)

Posted 12 years ago by Boom and Bust Subscriber! | Permalink


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  • I've been trying to join the gas route since yesterday but I keep getting the message: "Oh dear, something went wrong.".
    Posted 12 years ago by Lady SleepsAlot Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I've been getting the same error as Lady SleepsAlot for two days now. Any suggestions?
    Posted 12 years ago by Terribelle Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Hi! Thanks for making such a cool companion site to Glitch! Such dedication! How many hours has it taken for you and whoever else helped you, to put this together? We should throw you a party in Glitch!

    I am looking on the 'build your own route page' right now, and there is some sort of bug. There's a line that says "Give your route a name", then a rectangle to enter it. Then there are two lines mashed together which I can't read (tried reloading several times, same thing) next to two boxes separated by 'or'. Underneath this is the Submit button.

    What do those two lines say? I'm assuming one says enter player name, as when I click the rectangle a dropdown list of player names appears. But I can't decipher the other words.

    Posted 12 years ago by Gordon Lughsen Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Looks like resource updates aren't working.  My profile shows my resources when I signed in, but I have since added some to my street.  I attempted to manually update my resources, but it doesn't seem to do anything. 

     Also, once of my street sign folks is listed under their old name.  They did a player name change at least 2-3 weeks ago.
    Posted 12 years ago by White Ibis Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thanks for fixing the updates last week.

    Would it be possible on the main routes list page to identify which routes are closed and which are accepting new players?  I noticed that often some of the shorter lists are closed, but some of the larger lists are open (due to no max).  It would be nice for those looking to join routes if they had a simple indicator on the main page as to which ones are accepting new people, instead of having to open the individual route and looking to see if it was still open or if it was closed.  If an indicator isn't do-able, maybe having a separate page that lists those routes that are open to new players would be nice.  Thanks!

    Also a sort of routes based on signpost might be nice.  Maybe some folks are one route, but want to join another.  They would need an easy way to figure out which routes are on signposts they don't currently use.
    Posted 12 years ago by White Ibis Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I am going to keep trying, but so far I have not had any luck joining the Serious wood route. I have placed the previous person (lemoncurry) on my sign in the last position, and updated my information successfully, but when the page says "All set!" it automatically loops back and shows me the "join" instructions again. 

    I have close my browser, reopened it, to see if that refreshed anything and nothing. Am I missing a step, or something I need to do with my browser? (I am using Chrome.)

    Edit: And shortly after I post this (I've been trying to get it to work for the last couple hours...) - it works! Yay!
    Posted 12 years ago by Quibyn Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Is it possible for people to update others' profile page? Some of them haven't been updated in a LONG time and probably never will, but they're horribly out of date. Maybe put a limit on how recently random player can update someone's page so it doesn't get request flood.
    Posted 12 years ago by Asperity Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thought I'd go through the list of routes and see which ones still had openings (32 of 53 are available for joining).  Was going to start a separate thread, but didn't want to steal Boom & Bust's and grelca's thunder, since they did all the hard work to put the routes site together, so posting here to continue to get the site some additional visibility via all the good info in this thread.  

    As of 20 October 2012, here is a listing of routes that still have open spots, for those newer players that might want to join one (or want to know which resources would be best to add to their streets so they could participate in a housing route):

    Animal Route – Current Length 39; Max 60 – 21 Slots Open
    Barnacle Borough – Current Length 28; No Max Set
    Bubble Boulevard – Current Length 51; No Max Set
    Community Crop Garden Route – Current Length 42; No Max Set
    Community Kitchen – Current Length 9; No Max Set 
    Dig Dug Route – Current Length 1; Max 50 – 49 Slots Open 
    Fireflies – Current Length 11; No Max Set 
    Free-range piggies – Current Length 13; No Max Set 
    Freebie Jeebies – Current Length 77; No Max Set 
    Furniture Freeway – Current Length 9; No Max Set 
    Gas Route – Current Length 131; No Max Set 
    Gifts Galore – Current Length 11; No Max Set 
    Lemmen Connect – Current Length 12; No Max Set 
    Museum Route – Current Length 20; No Max Set 
    PB&J Route (Peat Bog and Jellisac) – Current Length 46; Max 75 – 29 Slots Open 
    Peat Bog Route – Current Length 16; No Max Set 
    Potion Promenade – Current Length 9; No Max Set 
    Rockin' Route – Current Length 11; No Max Set 
    SRS BBBLS – Current Length 22; No Max Set 
    Serious Barnacles – Current Length 14; No Max Set 
    Serious Eggs – Current Length 21; Max 22 – 1 Slot Open 
    Serious Jellisac – Current Length 31; No Max Set 
    The Bean Seasoner's Route – Current Length 41; No Max Set 
    The Egg Seasoner's Trail – Current Length 29; Max 50 – 21 Slots Open
    The Grand Curcuit of Houses of Ur – Current Length 64; No Max Set 
    The Swirl of Savory Smoothies – Current Length 6; No Max Set 
    Wall Segment Route – Current Length 17; No Max Set 
    Within a Deep Forest (Serious Wood Tree) – Current Length 20; No Max Set 
    Woody Way – Current Length 63; Max 100 – 37 Slots Open 
    Ye Ol' Farmer's Market – Current Length 2; Max 35 – 33 Slots Open 
    Yellow Crumb Road – Current Length 41; No Max Set 
    Zoo Route! - Current Length 32; No Max Set
    Posted 12 years ago by White Ibis Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm trying to join the Wall Segment Route, but I seem to be having the same problem that Quibyn was having a few weeks ago. I update my information and the page says 'All set!' but then it loops back to the instructions page and I'm not on the route. I have definitely met the resource requirements and put the next player in the right spot on the signpost.

    EDIT: I just tried again today and it worked! I didn't change anything but it worked without a hitch this time.
    Posted 12 years ago by Otune Subscriber! | Permalink
  • 1) Glitches that have disappeared from the game should be removed from the web site. One example is the Glitch that was named BitOWit (

    2) Glitches that have changed their names should have their name changed on the web site.

    3) From time to time it would be good to update the first pictures of the Glitches that have changed their aspect.

    Those comments are not to be taken as critics. I love this web site, it is extremely useful. I am trying to suggest improvements.
    Posted 12 years ago by Ygasuasu Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Hey there, thanks for your suggestions. Unfortunately those are known issues and cannot be fixed.

    1. Deleted player's home streets still exists in the game. I've asked a developer about this, and the response was that currently deleted player's home streets do not automatically disappear. This means that there is no way for the site to know which player has been deleted, and as these players are still connected from others, they cannot be permanently purged from the database. Another case here is Lx.

    2. and 3. are the result of the switch over to using the API. Avatar and names are not available from the location.streetInfo route. Names can be indirectly obtained, but avatars cannot, so to obtain them an additional call need to be made, which is too expensive as this will double the update time per player from 3 to 7 seconds, which is unacceptably long, especially since there are now more than 11 000 players in the database.
    Posted 12 years ago by Boom and Bust Subscriber! | Permalink
  • There is a difference between BitOWit ( and Lx (
    It is possible to go to Lx's Home Street from the web site; it is not possible to go to BitOWit's Home Street from the site.
    Posted 12 years ago by Ygasuasu Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Eh? I just did. I even took a snap there:

    Edit: Wait a second, BitOWit isn't even deleted. What are you talking about? ?_?
    Posted 12 years ago by Boom and Bust Subscriber! | Permalink
  • OK, so it seems that BitOWit has blocked me, this is the reason why I cannot access her home street.
    Sorry for the noise.

    (I hate when somebody blocks you without first communicating to you the reason)
    Posted 12 years ago by Ygasuasu Subscriber! | Permalink
  • See the excellent, very clear directions below?


    Set by step guide to creating your own route:

    1. Take a look at the other routes on site. We try not to have two routes with the same theme/resources, so don't duplicate an existing route
    2. Go to the create route page. You'll need to enter in a name for your route as well as a description. Please keep the description short and sweet.
    3. If you're operating a resource route, enter in the minimum resource requirement for your members to meet before they can join the route. If you have other kinds of requirements (eg. machines), enter them into the route description
    4. Decide on which signpost you want your members to use. Remember than 1 and 5 (last) are taken by Serious Routes and HRRs, so you might want to chose something else instead.
    5. If you want to limit the number of people who want to join, enter a maximum player number. If you want to keep the route private and manage signups using, say, a group or a thread on the forum, enter zero.
    6. If your route belong to an existing route group, choose the group from the dropdown menu.
    7. Hit submit to create your route
    8. If your group already has members, you can add them to the route using the "Edit Player" button on the bottom right hand corner. If your route is long, and you have kept a list of names of players along with links to their profile, contact me so that I can import the list instead of having you to enter in each name manually.
    9. At this point, your route will not be listed on the main routes page or the homepage yet (Anybody with the URL can still visit it). If you want it to be listed, please drop me a message through IM or mail.


    Do you want to know what I think is needed? What is needed is just as clear and concise directions for **joining** a route. I've read all the statements and replies and answers yet none of them are clear and concise. It's a mishmash of information, misinformation, and unanswered questions.

    Please consider making a Step by Step Guide to **Joining** a Route.

    ETA : I cannot join a route because my sign post doesn't allow "non-friends" to be added. What's the work around for this?
    Posted 12 years ago by Ann DramaDuh Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Ann, you need to add the last person on the route as your friend. Think of it as a way to make new friends - always a good thing in this game. Anyway, to join a route simply find the route you want to join, look for the join button on the right side of the route page. It may ask you to log in, in which case do so, then follow the instructions on the page. After you finished adjusting your signpost and/or adding resources, go back to the page and update your information and you should be done. If you have any problem contact me or the route curator.
    Posted 12 years ago by Boom and Bust Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Good news, everyone!* A few days ago the Housing Routes and Directory site has taken it's first steps towards becoming Skynet. The site, through a script that runs once a minute, has gained self-awareness and will now inform you, the visitors, when the update service is running more slowly then usual, or has stopped altogether. The update service is important because you have to use it when joining / leaving routes.

    * Please read this announcement in Prof. Farnsworth's voice
    Posted 12 years ago by Boom and Bust Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thanks for all of your work on this, Boom! Hope you can keep this site up as a museum.
    Posted 12 years ago by TomC Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Feedback link took me to here, so I figured I'd post it here.
    It should be "Yours" not " Your's "
    Posted 12 years ago by Scotto Subscriber! | Permalink
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