
Spooky Ghost Tour?

Hey guys! 

This past week, I've had trouble finding my remaining two ghosts- and I've noticed several others have had trouble as well- so I thought I'd ask on here: would anybody be interested in leading/running a ghost tour soon? I've checked out the Spooky Ghost Tour group, but that seems to be rather... dead. 

Anyways, I'd forever be grateful to anyone who volunteers to help. 

Posted 12 years ago by Fawnie Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I would love to be a part of one, and could create TP scripts along the way for the next group, but I unfortunately can't lead :[ 
    Posted 12 years ago by Kurtie Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Look in the announcements forums - there is one on regularly
    Posted 12 years ago by Kookaburra Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Oh! Thank you so much Kookaburra. I'll be sure to check back there regularly then. :)
    Posted 12 years ago by Fawnie Subscriber! | Permalink
  • My friend Kurtie and I have led a number of ghost tours over the last year and we wanted to do one last big hunt before closure.

    We're planning not one but two ghost tours with parties included! Get that last ghost before we're all ghosts! Celebrate your Faded Heart with a bash!

    We'll lead these parties from opposite ends of our ghost route, meet in the middle, party-party-party, and continue on to the rest of the route.

    Friday, Dec. 7, 6pm PST
    Saturday, Dec. 8, 3pm PST

    Meet your tour guides at either Sambossa Bossa in Pollokoo or Tharon Spelunk in Ilmenskie Deeps.

    It's our last chance to ghost-bust every location so join us! Already got your Faded Heart? Come along anyway! The more the merrier!

    Recommendations for first-timers:
    Bring food and bev along--the tour lasts about 2 hours (without the party in the middle) and we won't have time to stop and harvest.
    Please wear the red polka-dot top hat (free in Wardrobe) so we know you're with the tour!
    TP skills not required!

    Please post below if you intend to come (so we know who to look out for).
    Posted 12 years ago by Kip Konner Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Reminder that there's a ghost tour in just 2 hours! Info here!
    Posted 11 years ago by Kurtie Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'll be there. Thanks!
    Posted 11 years ago by MaxieMo Subscriber! | Permalink