
Making Glitch a profitable venture

It seems one of the major reasons the decision to close Glitch is the lack of revenue generated to make it a profitable venture. I think we all realize this is a business venture and must generate revenue to function. WHEN they decide to look at investing in other games I think it would be helpful for the creators to know what we would be enticed to use real money to purchase.  What would you spend $$$ for in a game.  Got ideas? Put them here. 
I would spend money for:
1. rare items only available for purchase (perhaps in conjunction with membership for “x” number of months).
2. Increase learning speed, brain size, or “special” attributes only available with membership. (those skills/attributes  active only during months you maintain membership)
3 “GlitchMart” in world, with “credit” items available for purchase. Some of these items could be offered for limited time or only during “seasons” or “holidays”.  When the time expires the items would then be “rare” and never offered for sale again. Special “wearables” designated for “levels” achieved. 
4. I feel the best way to generate revenue is by allowing items “crafted” to sell for credits or currants..such as beams, food items, rocks, (players in many games are too lazy to spend time on learning the skills and buy “credits” to purchase these items)

I have played Glitch only a few weeks and some of theses suggestions are probably already offered. It takes more than a few weeks to "learn" a socially interactive game.

Posted 12 years ago by Boxy Sister Subscriber! | Permalink


  • They have been suggested, yes. :)

    But it's not only a matter of profitability in the case of Glitch. There have been a lot of problems plaguing the game (flash problems and connectivity problems) and there is the matter of technology as Flash is no longer supported in mobile devices.

    I think stoot said it best that in 100% hindsight they should have scrapped most of what they had in 2010 and started anew.
    Posted 12 years ago by Mal'akh Subscriber! | Permalink