
My Glitch story

(Sorry this is so wall-of-text-y, I still haven't got the text editor to work) Okay, I'm going to try to not release too much sentiment into this. First off, Glitch has been a great game. I met a lot of cool people, I went to some pretty awesome places, did some crazy things. I had an encounter with a demonic chicken, I've made countless bowls of stew, (who knows where I got all those bowls from) and all sorts of wacky things.I started off as the humble SiCk_0_N0sCoPeZ, flaunting a fantastic black chicken outfit. That was back in the end of the first Beta, and I lived through a few EOTW parties. They were pretty fun, not to mention laggy. I was a loner back then, and I went around nibbling my piggies, mining my rocks, looking at houses and wondering how in the world I could afford one. I'd glance at shrines and wonder in amazement at how much time it must take to get an emblem. I mean seriously, 1000 favor. As I started to get into the game more, I started communicating, making friends. I posted in the forums, lurked in global, chatted with passersby. The only popular Glitchen I can remember from back then were Messy Monster and Fokian Fool. I like to think of myself as having pioneered the money-making possibilities of milking butterflies over mining sparkly. With that money, I bought myself a beehive-house in Pasha's Place, in Groddle Forest. 4400 quarter if I remember correctly. Slowly but surely, I made my way through the skill tree. I dabbled in most everything. I cooked some, mined some, nibbled here and there, and it was pretty nice. Ur was peaceful back then, quiet and tranquil. At some point I had owned a Pac-Man Cottage in Groddle Meadow, and a Firebog house too, though I can't remember which came first. Around that time though, the great magnificence of herbs was emerging, and my poor little 4 plot garden couldn't keep up with the demand. It was nice, doing something new, out in the mostly deserted firebogs. Then the img change came around, and there was the whole huge flurry of questions, of rumors, of this and that.  We got our neato new houses, our fancy new img system, our cards and yards, and I liked it. It was a good addition to the game. Somewhere in this time I shed my old altcaps tryhard name and became Dino. (I don't feel like doing the fancy o right now :P) I donned my hot-dog suit, my dinosaur lower body, and got more into the game. I attended some crazy fun parties, joined the cubimal craze, became an avid miner, played around with my freely customizable house (before the crossover was done) and threw pie, pi and pancakes everywhere. I met some super cool people, Innie and HeroUnderThePine to name just two. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten you. Yes, you, right there, with the arms and the legs. Sure, the game has had it's ups and downs, it's fair share of community herb garden wars, of tree wars, of party etiquette wars, but the good things outnumber the bad by an overwhelming amount. In no other game could I squeeze chickens, could I nibble on pigs, pluck fruit from trees, make stew without bowls, or walk around as a half-dinosaur half-hot dog. Or even a full dinosaur. Or a freaky-haired freak with shiny Humbaba robes. And last but not least, (sorry guys) a chicken. Yeah, yeah, I'm The Mighty Dino, but I started as a chicken, and I'll end as one. Though you might not know me, or have ever even seen me here before, I hope that this story has touched you in some way, and even if it hasn't, I hope it reminds you of how amazing Glitch has been. Lets send it out with the biggest EOTW party Ur has ever seen. 

Posted 12 years ago by The Mighty Dino Subscriber! | Permalink


  • <3
    Posted 12 years ago by Mal'akh Subscriber! | Permalink
  • And one last thing: Can't forget all the people that helped me with my butterfly cubi collection. You guys rock.
    Posted 12 years ago by The Mighty Dino Subscriber! | Permalink
  • It has. Where's the party? :)
    We may not be able to login anymore, but we will always have Glitch.
    Posted 12 years ago by MaxieMo Subscriber! | Permalink