
Listen me out Tiny Speck...

Are you sure you want to close Glitch? Kukubee was able to raise almost 50 000 dollars just for people wanting to keep a book with Glitch art. In two days!! This community is willing to keep it going, especially funding wise. And we can get even more people involved!'

Are you 100% sure you want to do this? It is not too late to "back down". Glich is something very unique. If closing down Glitch is truly and only about money, would it not be worth giving it another try. Obviously we care enough about it we would go far to keep it going.


"Glitch was the wonderfully whimsical online game developed by Tiny Speck, Inc. In 2012, Glitch was nominated for two GDC Online Awards, for Game Design and Visual Art. The mission of this campaign is to preserve all the incredible art from the enormous, ever-changing, persistent world of Glitch." -- Kukubee
I attended GDC 2012 {I was in one of the game's team that was nominated for an IGF award, so I was there the entire time}. How come I completely missed the fact Glitch was nominated for two awards!!?

Posted 12 years ago by Cocomoes Subscriber! | Permalink


  • +1. Despite the fact that I feel like we're fighting a lost cause, maybe still in denial or something, I think the problem is we were just never given opportunity enough to fork over some cash. Merchandise is a huge thing; quite certain movies often make half their income from it. Things like the happy crab shirt I've been begging for for months now, and I've heard plenty of others talking about all the stuff they'd like to buy.

    Edit: Also, I think it actually reached that amount in one day if I'm not mistaken.
    Posted 12 years ago by Jus?tin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Stoot has already provided a response to similar queries within the artbook thread:

    From what I gather from the comments made in various places like the Gamasutra article it was much more than ongoing funding that determined the decision to close the game.
    Posted 12 years ago by Cleops Subscriber! | Permalink
  • And the FAQ answer #10:

    "Why can't you just _______________?
    If there was a way to make it work, we would make it work. But there is not. We've been through this from all angles, over and over and over. We've shed tears, and we will probably shed some more ... but Glitch is over."

    I want them to find some harebrained scheme for it to work too, but I think they also wanted that and have probably spun it around 50,000 ways, and been unable to come up with a good solution. 
    Posted 12 years ago by Wynella Subscriber! | Permalink
  • stoot has also shared a portion of an email he sent out to the company before the closing announcement at:

    ===Quote snippet==============================
    So, when I say that I'm sure it can't work it is because I've been over it from every angle, qualitatively and quantitatively, again and again, in excruciating detail and I honestly do not believe that the possibility of success is there.

    If any one of the critical factors were different — if we were on the right side of technological history re Flash and mobile, if we had a solution to the client performance problems, if we had managed to execute more fully on the potential of the systems we've built and had players clamoring to get in the door — or even if everything was exactly as it was now but we got there a year faster — I would think it worth keeping going. But, at this point, I am convinced we are throwing good money after bad.

    There's certainly a self-fulfilling prophecy aspect to it — maybe, if I just believed, it could be made to work. But, I have come to this decision soberly, with due consideration and in good command of the facts and I can't see it any other way.
    Posted 12 years ago by TomC Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Sildenafil Citrate: "give how much got raised how quickly, how sure are you that Glitch isn't  financially viable?"

    I'm pretty sure! If we were able to raise that amount every day, seven days a week, 365 days a year it'd be viable, but somehow I don't think most people would pledge the same amount every single day :)
    Posted 11 hr ago by stoot barfield  | Permalink
    Posted 12 years ago by Mal'akh Subscriber! | Permalink
  • You are in the bargaining stage of grief
    Posted 12 years ago by Eye Wonder Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Also? Bunny. Why? Because bunny.
    Posted 12 years ago by Wynella Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Sorry, but $50.000 is almost nothing, when it comes to paying 40+ highly skilled people's salaries, rent and a server cost of 500k / month. As the FAQ says "If there was a way to make it work, we would make it work.".

    There was no way. :-(
    Posted 12 years ago by Waffle Subscriber! | Permalink