
How about some fishing?

Personally, I love fishing. It's always an interesting and relaxing hobby and now that we're seeing some more areas with water show up in Glitch I think it'd be awesome to have some fishing and associated skills come in. Not to mention fish, or whatever it is you'd be catching out there, would give an excellent excuse to have new recipes for cooking which could help solve the problem of people with high energy tanks not being satisfied with available foods.

Posted 12 years ago by Nuebot Subscriber! | Permalink


  • And maybe sometime you could fish out random stuff that people have thrown away. Like keys, drinks, and other stuff.
    Posted 12 years ago by Misty Power Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Fishing is usually one of my favorite things to do in games. I would love if this was added.
    There are tons of things that could be done with fishing. A honey fish (like a jelly fish but not) could be a neat way for players to get honey, or maybe a squid with honey "ink"
    Posted 12 years ago by Terribelle Subscriber! | Permalink
  • i NEED fishing ++ with lotta fishies to collect, fishing rods to craft and seasonal fish to catch too, for example the monstrous zillobass durin zilloween or ice fishing in instances, likeohmygod!! + own fish tanks in our homes where we can put the fish we catch *faints* like +++
    Posted 12 years ago by Rudi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Collecting and crafting fishing lures, maybe losing the occasional one to snagged lines. 
    Posted 12 years ago by Pickle Juice Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1
    Posted 12 years ago by PzSniper Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1. I LOVE in-game fishing and this would add to the already massive things that one can do in Glitch! Also loving the seasonal fish idea.
    Posted 12 years ago by Sarabanda Subscriber! | Permalink
  • If not fishing in actual water (which would be super awesome), it would be cool to fish from the shrines and maybe get goodies that have previously been donated. Your influence with that god's shrine could take a hit (along with some energy).
    Posted 12 years ago by Phinneas Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1. fish rule. I'd love to catch them and keep them as pets maybe.
    Posted 12 years ago by Luciana Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Yup!
    Posted 12 years ago by Hellyeah Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Nice idea! The new areas, with the sea and lapping waves and so on would be lovely for it.
    Posted 12 years ago by Not a Princess Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1
    Posted 12 years ago by Top Cat Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This is a great idea! I would definitely pass some time fishing. I especially like Misty Power's idea about occasionally pulling up a cast-away item.
    Posted 12 years ago by Sir Cordray Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 :D
    Posted 12 years ago by Dr.CookieEater Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The One True Method for getting fish is Jumping On Sharks.

    Jus' sayin'
    Posted 12 years ago by Sturminator 5 Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Just make sure there's some amount of skill or "game" component to the fishing. "Click-and-wait" fishing systems get boring quickly.
    Posted 12 years ago by Sir Mixolyde Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Speaking as someone who lives on a rl lake where people do rl catch-and-release type fishing all summer long, I have to nix this. Fish who are caught/released usually die, you know. You toss em back in, they swim up close to the shores and they die, slowly, and painfully. I don't want to see sadism promoted, even in a game context. In my view, if you're gonna catch it, then you kill it quickly, cook it, and eat it. If you're not hurting a living thing for a purpose, mainly for food, then why torture it at all?  

    You wanna spend time in nature? How about leaving the ATV and fishing rod and LL Bean vest at home, and going for a walk? How about sitting under a tree, or near a waterfall, and meditating? How about observing the wildlife around you in its natural habitat? How about realizing that you're a GUEST in nature, and acting accordingly? None of this is directed at the OP or his/her supporters, btw...rather to the yahoos out there who view nature as their personal playground, instead of seeing it as a viable and self-contained ecosystem filled with beautiful living beings, and magic. 

    The myths of the "dangerous" wolves and "violent" bears are just that...myths perpetuated by hunters and sportsmen to scare you out of the wilderness and justify the slaughter of these animals. If you got to know the wild critters, you would be happily surprised at how sweet and shy and gentle they are. Nature is not the enemy. The "rook" is not the enemy...ravens are the dolphins of the air. Who IS the enemy, then? Other people, maybe, but more than that, our own thoughts. Choose your thoughts, and create your reality, and seriously...leave the trout alone. :P

    (Ok, back to break now...hasta loves!)

    ETA - Though I have to say, "fishing" for non-fish items would be fun...the thrill of what you're gonna hook next would be cool. Sorry if I came off a bit brass...I'm just rather fed up, you know. But yah, ok, fishing for non-fish items = yay! Maybe a junkyard pond or some such, where we can "fish" for treasure? Love it...sorry folks, thanks for letting me vent...carry on! :D

    Edit - Some editing for clarity/brevity.
    Posted 12 years ago by KitchWitch Subscriber! | Permalink
  • yes to all the above!
    Posted 12 years ago by natsumi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • KitchWitch, you are aware IRL if you tear a chunk of meat from a pig it would die.

    It's a video game, chill out.
    Posted 12 years ago by Nuebot Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I love the idea of fishing and it would fit perfectly to Glitch. With the buyable salmon there is already a cadaver implented in this world of happy petting and animals speaking. In addition, i´m quite sure, it could be implented in a friendly and cute way. Or fishs are in Ur just soulless monsters like lawyers.
     Anyway, since new players has already plenty stuff to do and old players tend to sit on huge piles of stocked img and don´t really need to gather much more img, I would love if fishing could be focused on entertaining the older generation. And in this way fishing could be even used to burn some Img. It could be done by imaging boats. They could come with different img-costs, from a little img for a little canoe to 5 million img for a big luxury yacht. Fishing areas would be then the sea and you would need a ship to enter it, perhaps with the possibility to let others come with you (if you have a big enough boat). Perhaps you could even decorate a big ship with furniture in the inside.
    Fishing could be primary used to implent more collectibles, like a huge sortiment of fishes of course and in addition different boots or old artifacts.  
    I played WoW for some weeks, it was plain boring for me but I loved the fishing. You need to aim the cursor on a fishing swarm in the water and an animation was the sign that something is hooked. And there were lots of fishes and other stuff like chests with goodies and boots. I don´t think the fishing system would work in glitch, I would prefer to just click on the fishing pole and that would be all it needs. But you could work perhaps with different poles and perhaps different baits, with different areas/seasons/time and so on.  
    While all the new fishs and the idea of collectibles would be a way to make currants and would add to cooking, fishing doesn´t need to be very rewarding in comparison with other things to do like coin collecting or mining. It should be just a way to have some good, chilling time here.  

    And on a probably unrelated topic: We should totally be able to set the rube on fire and throw small shiny objects with no intrinsic value on it.

    And think of all the possible comments if you went fishing and the only thing you get are some crabs.
    I can´t think, TS wants to miss this chance.
    Posted 12 years ago by Herr Jim Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Love this idea!! 
    Posted 12 years ago by MzMunchken Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 hope it's in the works!
    Posted 12 years ago by IxÆoN Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Fishing!
    Posted 12 years ago by AwesomeCardinal2000 Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 waiting for a different way to get salmons than having to buy them
    Posted 12 years ago by Zean Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 for fishing and a whole new array of fishing oriented achievements, collectables, and iMG spending~.
    Posted 12 years ago by Pika Pika Pikarin~! Subscriber! | Permalink
  • maybe also a skill like fruitchanging to turn salmons (the only fish around '_' ) in other fishes
    Posted 12 years ago by Zean Subscriber! | Permalink
  • we've got fish now! :D

    thanx TS!
    Posted 12 years ago by IxÆoN Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Eh.

    Lots of games have fishing. I'd like to see Glitch take that in a more creative direction, if it's implemented at all - the idea of 'fishing' in a junkyard sounds neat, for example (maybe instead of catching fish, the mechanic is used to lure out the creatures that live in the junkyard, which will bring goodies, some of which are unique items that they've built from the trash?), and should hopefully scratch the same itch for people who like that kind of mechanic.

    In fact, maybe make that a social activity somehow, and have it favor groups with a mix of levels? I'm not sure how that might be implemented, but it sounds like giving oldbies an incentive to get out and do things with newbies - and keep meeting new newbies as the old newbies level out of doing the newbie-tier fishing tasks - would be a good thing.
    Posted 12 years ago by Adelene Subscriber! | Permalink