
Completed artifact passive buff

At the moment it seams that having a completed artifact gives no real benefit other than just being an item to show off in a museum or stash away to hopefully sell one day.

As in incentive to complete artifacts and a bonus for actually managing to do so (its not easy) I suggest that each one should offer a specific but not hugely game changing passive effect when in your inventory.

For example:

A completed wooden apple could give a +4 bonus to harvests when collecting from tree's.

A completed chicken shaped brick could give a +4 collection bonus to nibbling pigs, milking butterflies and squeezing chickens.

The platinum spork could give you a % of bonus energy when eating food.

The fake nose made of china could give you a bonus to cooking in some way.

The glove darned with a metal finger could give you an extra 2 chunks of metal or ore from mining.

The magical pendant could give you a bonus to meditation.

The torn manuscript could give you 2 energy free teleports per day.

The large mysterious cube could slightly increase your drop rate.

The mirror could give you 3 full mood boosts per day when used.

And the butterfly bone hair clip could give you a slight chance of getting a free item when walking past a vendor (one chance per vendor per game day)

These are just examples of what they could possibly grant.

If you like this idea or have any of your own to add or any comments please feel free to post!

Posted 12 years ago by Potian Dragoon Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I love this idea! +100
    Posted 12 years ago by Muncey Mango Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Fantastic idea!
    Posted 12 years ago by ennuienta Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Aw, that's fun. +1
    Posted 12 years ago by Biohazard Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 it means that they wont be sat around in SDB's collecting dust
    Posted 12 years ago by Miki Takahashi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Yes! +1
    Posted 12 years ago by Sororia Rose Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1
    Posted 12 years ago by M<3tra, obviously Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Great idea!
    Posted 12 years ago by Lucille Ball Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 like the idea! I wonder what could be done with necklaces though? Gotta think about this.
    Posted 12 years ago by tofuchan Subscriber! | Permalink
  • well the necklaces are related to a certain giant apparently - perhaps they could give you a small boost to favour or imagination gain when you donate to a shrine associated with that giant - but since their are not 11 necklaces out yet - this might not be very fair - which is why I left them out for now.

    How ever for now the necklaces could provide an extra 1% to either favour or imagination gain per necklace that you have (only one bonus for 1 of each type) when you donate to giants or something of that nature? I am not sure on those yet they are still a little bit too new!
    Posted 12 years ago by Potian Dragoon Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1
    Posted 12 years ago by Jeasilver Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1
    Posted 12 years ago by Koftun Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1
    Posted 12 years ago by Ayzad Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 - not sure I like every specific bonus, but I really like the idea in general.
    Posted 12 years ago by Kadi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1
    Posted 12 years ago by MaeBerry Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 for this idea. It gives incentive for completing artifacts and increases incentive for participation in feats!
    Posted 12 years ago by tuqui Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1
    Posted 12 years ago by ? blackbird ? Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Kadi - the bonuses I listed were the first ones I could think of off of the top of my head! I was really hoping that more people would give idea's for more bonuses and stuff.

    I would like to see the bonus given related to the artifact in some way though!
    Posted 12 years ago by Potian Dragoon Subscriber! | Permalink
  • It would be cool if carrying a spork added the verb "spork" to the list of things you can do to other Glitches.

    *sporks everyone with abandon*
    Posted 12 years ago by Sirentist Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Well, the two I thought were a bit overpowered/didn't care for were:

    The torn manuscript could give you 2 energy free teleports per day - Seems too overpowered to me - how about instead, reduces cooldown time on teleport by 30 seconds?

    [B]utterfly bone hair clip could give you a slight chance of getting a free item when walking past a vendor - I feel pretty 'eh' about this one. I'm trying to think about what would be a better idea, though. Something more tied in to Gwendolyn, perhaps?

    I really think it's a great idea, though, and think it being tied in to the artifact is a terrific part of it!
    Posted 12 years ago by Kadi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Sporking people :o thats a bit random!

    I actually like the cooldown time on teleport reduction from the torn manuscript much better! 

    I have been thinking about the butterfly hair clip a lot - I did not really put a lot of thought into it - I was thinking something along the lines of it enhancing your appearance - and getting a bonus because of that.

    Now I am thinking that perhaps it could;

    Increase your jumping skills slightly
    Attract all butterflies in a street to follow you around (maybe with a chance of free milk?)
    Increase the duration or reduce the cost of the levitate skill
    Reduce the energy cost of singing to butterflies
    Reduce the mood loss when making cheese (since its a butterfly milk product)

    Still not sure what fits best with this item - but I am pretty sure that Tiny Speck would improve upon this idea a load if they decided to implement it.
    Posted 12 years ago by Potian Dragoon Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Completed nyanite necklace will make nyan cats fly past  whenever you wear it
    Posted 12 years ago by shhexy corin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • nyan cats? :o lol either that or it could be activated to play the music in your currant location?

    Nah i dont think that would be a great idea :P how ever I have been thinking about the necklaces lately and I have a few idea's for them.

    They could have passive bonuses like the rest of the artifacts related to the gods.

    They could have passive bonuses that cover the skills the main artifacts do not cover (like herbology, croppery, penmanship, peity ect )

    They could have once per day activations that work like essences - examples:
    Ouzian beads give the same bonus as an essence of silvertongue on use.
    Tiger eye beads give the same bonus as an essence of rookswart on use.

    Another idea is that the beads could be activated to be worn - how ever this would require a ton of work to add to the game.
    Posted 12 years ago by Potian Dragoon Subscriber! | Permalink
  • "They could have once per day activations that work like essences"

    ...prayer beads!  Like icons and emblems, you can "pray" with them once a day.

    And I like your idea about linking them with essences, although I'd argue that Gnipperite should be for Rookswort, because it's about mourning the year and serious stuff like that... Red Tiger Eye should be for Gandlevery because it's about a festival (high-energy).  :D
    Posted 12 years ago by Miss Portinari Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 also we need nyan cats. Moar cats! Is this or is this not the Internet?

    Therefore, cats please.
    Posted 12 years ago by Vocable Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Miss Portinari, I totally agree that would be much better about changing those two around! And I also like the idea of prayer beads too! This would be fantastic if they did decide to add a necklace for every giant!

    And nyan cats for nyan beads - id leave that decision up to the developers but tell them to consider making a special nyan cat cubimal or a new series including it or perhaps a nyan cat cubimal instead - the idea of them all over Ur scares me a little :o
    Posted 12 years ago by Potian Dragoon Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1
    Posted 12 years ago by TomC Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Surely we ought to be able to WEAR the necklaces, no?
    Posted 12 years ago by Pascale Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I already mentioned about wearing the necklaces - it would require a lot of work to do, so not sure if TS would do it or not :o
    Posted 12 years ago by Potian Dragoon Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I like a lot of these ideas, but think they could all be smaller, like just +1 for everything.  Any bonus at all would still be neat, and smaller ones would leave room for possible future bonuses from other things.
    Posted 12 years ago by roler Subscriber! | Permalink