

I can quit playing any time I want.



Siren meets the stuffed ... pink eraser?


Siren meets the stuffed ... pink eraser?


Siren meets the stuffed ... pink eraser?

Ladyceres Ladyceres added Sirentist as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
whimpypotato whimpypotato added Sirentist as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Musarose Musarose added Sirentist as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago


Fascinating True Fact About Me #1
I?ve never traveled out of the state I was born in. And by that I mean the state of Massachusetts, not the state of being tiny and slimy and unable to make sentences.
So lonely ...
Except for the weird people who walk all the way down here to read these notes.
Fascinating True Fact About Me #5
I have no living relatives other than my rotten useless cat. Her name is Miro, rhymes with hero, and she named herself. Okay, technically that's a fascinating true fact about my cat, not me. But the no living relatives should count for something.
Fascinating True Fact About Me #9
My primary caregiver, the lesbian agoraphobe, died when I was nine of a freak fall down the stairs.
Fascinating True Fact About Me #15
I have an extremely melodramatic startle response. One time a guy touched my waist from behind and my elbow came up and broke his nose. My nickname when I was on the street was ?Flinch.?
Me three!
I keep wondering if I should pick everything up and stash it somewhere safe for you, ha!

Hope you don't get robbed too blind by random passers-by!
Siren's Brilliant Note
I came here to say something if not deep than at least hilarious, and am suddenly struck by performance anxiety.

Obviously the only way out of this is for me to fart.

*farts anxiously*


P.S. I'm really sorry I left you a fart note. Next time I'll leave a better note; I promise.
I'm so glad ...
... I finally got this one little patch of green grass to grow here. After months and months of tending it so lovingly. I hope no one does anything horrible to it like jamming a giant stone in the middle of it or anything.

I love this spot so much.
Even more than a soopar seekrit hideout. And I bet you NEVER find this. Which makes this note even MORE soopar seekrit than your stoopit soopar seekrit hideout, so there.

Also NO I am not resentful about being excluded from the soopar seekrit hideout, relegated to the trying to not look suspicious front organization, reduced to making pretend hideouts behind trees. So don't even think that.
I dunno ...
It looks pretty suspicious to me.
I love this pathetic, lonely lamp.
I have named it Bruce and I will come by now and again to tell it stories of other towers filled with companion furniture pieces. I will tell it about other lamps, adorned with magnificent upgrades. I will tell it of hanging disco balls and beds of canned ham.

Siren, widening lonely lamp horizons since November 2012
Fascinating True Fact About Me #14
My real first name is Siren.
Fascinating True Fact About Me #17
Fascinating True Fact About Me #17
I learned to touch-type on a blue Selectric when I was seven.
I stole the beachball
I am not proud of this. And yet I stole it all the same. I was unable to resist its shiny plastic roundness. I will try to flaunt it responsibly.

*hangs head and hugs beachball protectively*