

My heart will always be in Ur.


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Shedding tears all over again. Living in hope that we might all be reunited someday in Ur.

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2 replies
  1. Octopoglitch

    See you there! (...or is it "See you here!"?) Until then, I share the tears.

  2. Schiehallion23

    I'm sad too - like the last link is breaking. :(

Sirentist Sirentist added Ladyceres as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Wrong Way

Double Trouble


I've only just seen this...funny! I even wore that same dress later on.

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To those of you still out there and peeking in --- *hugs*! Miss you all. My friend got me a knit heli-kitty for Xmas/Birthday, it was wonderful.

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On Sally's street!


hooray for found memories.


Little Poundcake

She didn't say anything, but I'm sure she appreciates The Great Spice Restoration of Year 26.


Many thanks!
I really appreciate the ruby!
Goodbye Glitch
This is the cutest, funniest, quirkiest and LOVELIEST game I have ever played. I never thought I could feel so much for "just a game"...but Glitch was so much more than that. Thank you to the developers and to all the players who helped make it wonderful. I will miss you dearly.