
(imagined fryday 5 widdershins, year 16)

always and ever, i live in groddle meadow. http://youtu.be/99T7OYUg1-8 farewell, groddle meadow. http://youtu.be/xVY-cpV2h1I


Eris Lord Freedom Eris Lord Freedom added flask as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
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there is nothing i have to say that i have not said. i think i will want my last words here to be this: youtu.be/xVY-cpV2h1I

1 reply

1 reply
  1. Sweet Stuff Ng

    I found this just before the end of the game world, and played it that whole night. Thank you so much for making such a memory masterpiece! I love it!

Miss Portinari Miss Portinari added flask as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
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I'm a tiny bit jealous about the burthday/imagined line. Wish I had researched mine while it was still possible! Ah well. :) Looks lovely!

1 reply

Status update
1 reply
  1. MontytheGeek

    OMG! Absolutely how I feel right now. :(

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Hi flask!!! Really? That's one I haven't had! (and I grew up in Minnesota, very big on apples there)

1 reply

Status update

most current commercial apple varieties are descended from the same six apples. currently there are projects at UVM and cornell plantations (among others) to find and catalog lost apple varieties, which is a project since apples are perhaps the most wildly heterozygous species on the planet.

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1 reply
  1. kastlin

    Only because they won't breed true from seed! They do a lot of apple variety study and development at UMinn too.

    1 reply

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On top of that, there were some general Canadian references. And I'm embarrassed to say how long I played before I realized Adanac was Canada backwards. I was on that street quite a lot!

2 replies

Status update

adanac may be canada backwards, but it is also a variety of apple.

1 reply

1 reply
  1. kastlin

    Hi flask!!! Really? That's one I haven't had! (and I grew up in Minnesota, very big on apples there)

    1 reply


A note!
goodbye, and thank you.
dark places of ur
zilleoween special!

look for my note pole.
dark places of ur
zilleoween special!

look for my note pole.
dark places of ur
what are you doing here?

you should be spelunking the basements!

then come back here and tell me what he says.


that's for you to figure out.
leftovers from zilleoween
please take. ...please.
i've been silenced.
wait, wait,wait...

let me get this straight: you give us an area that consists completely of crawling up into an animal's ass and being shit out of it and someone objects to accurate language being used to describe that?

the area itslef is vulgar and content-thin. it is nothing more that a one trick pony about crawling into a monster ass and fart and shit and drool; it is poorly thought out and i have been muted from chat for calling it what it is in plain language.

if callign it what it is in plain language is too vulgar for the guidelines, why is the area itself acceptable?

end censorship.
wait, wait,wait...

let me get this straight: you give us an area that consists completely of crawling up into an animal's ass and being shit out of it and someone objects to accurate language being used to describe that?

free flask
end censorship
wait, wait,wait...let me get this straight: you give us an area that consists completely of crawling up into an animal's ass and being shit out of it and someone objects to accurate language being used to describe that?free flask
party invitation
the honor of your presence is requested at a fancy dresss party at the home of flask ehrlenmeyer to celebrate the fact that this world ever existed at all.

please join us for refreshments and party games on weddingday, 6th bruise at 0400 hours.

please arrive with a top level slot empty just in case.
last farewell
my friend norah used to live here. this is where she lef tthis world when it ended.
i came to visit.
you know, because you took the time to decorate it. it is lovely.
party favors
please enjoy these here or in the world at large.rules for party games may be found on the note poles.thank you for coming.
it's goofy.
i didn't come to this game because i wanted a game. i was just poking around.

but i loved ti.

i loved my littlegroddle forest treehouse, and my groddle meadow cottage.

i loved it on mornigns when i got out of bed remmebering that i'd lost my best friend and my church had kicked me out.

it gave me a thing yto hold on to that was sweet and beautiful, that could get me through the bad patches.

i didn't mean for it to be that, but it was.

i wanted to watch the map fill in.

i wanted to build shrines to all the giants and to tell the young ones about the great battle of saker mank (now THERE was a rook battle) and i wanted to dress up fancy and host the kickass house party and give spigots to random people.

i wanted this beautiful world to live.

no i do not know what to do.

free flask!
if we have an area in the game where you crawl up an animal's ass and get shit out, why is is "excessive obscenity, vulgarity, or other kinds of generally offensive behavior [that] are not welcome" if you say so in plain language? if it's too vulgar to say in chat, it's too vulgar for the game. if it's fine for the game, it's not too vulgar. you can't have it both ways. free flask