
Ideas for Butler

So, lets talk about butlers...
I like 'em, really I do.

I just wish they didn't suffer from early onset CRS. I also wish that when I ask who visited, they would put the list in an IM - whether it was one Glitch or 5 Glitchen (since anytime the number goes over a certain amount it gets put in an IM - I should think this wouldn't be so difficult to do). Often when I go home and ask who visited, I think that I want to harvest and replant my gardens before returning the visits...but, then, their names are lost in my local chat and it takes quite awhile to find them, and sometimes, I get distrac...oooohhh...spark-a-ly.  :)

And while I have your attention concerning butlers, I'd like to request an easier way to determine how many of gift items the butler has left in his possession. And before you ask just how hard is it to click the butler, click the give option, search the inventory including all the stacks and bags and toolboxes etc, then click the item, then read the butlers response asking you if you want to take back the 14 purple flowers so he can take the 50 purple flowers and then click appropriately for your decision....whew, I'm tired after all that...where was I?...oh, it's not that hard to do, but, it sure could be just a little easier.

Posted 12 years ago by Firestone1960 Subscriber! | Permalink


  • lol...forgot to add for those that may not know...

    CRS ~ Can't Remember Sh*t
    Posted 12 years ago by Firestone1960 Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Firestone - if you hover over the gift option on the butler's menu, it'll say how many they still have in their stack.  Or if you drag & drop even one random item on to them, they'll ask if you want # items back.  (Just sharing, because it sounds like you don't know!)

    +1 on always getting an IM from them with the visitor list, though, I'd really like that.
    Posted 12 years ago by Kadi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Kadi...thanks for that information...I can swear that I did the hover after the option to gift was released, but, maybe I wasn't on the correct pixel or something...I'll give it another go, so, truly, thanks.

    Glad you like the idea about the IMs ~ hopefully, it's something that can/will be done, as I said earlier, they do it sometimes ~ why not always instead?
    Posted 12 years ago by Firestone1960 Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I wish I could hug my butler.
    Posted 12 years ago by Kookaburra Subscriber! | Permalink