
restoring items on home streets need owner permission

it would be nice to have some kind of way to prevent people from automatically restoring gardens/trees/rocks/etc. when they crap out. sometimes i'm waiting for something to croak and then someone comes along and restores it and then i have to shell out 2k or more in currants for wine of the dead to be rid of it. (on top of feeling bad that whoever wasted their time/energy/resources/well-meaning-ness on it too.)

even if you leave a note/note pole, some don't always read it first (i've been guilty of this myself!) or they ignore it because they want the img or whatever.

i'd suggest having a "let me start this first" type option maybe? where if i come home and see project available, as the owner of the house, *i* click restore, and then it's open to everyone. (or, i delete the thing.) people who like things the way they are can just stick to "let anyone restore this" or something.

perhaps also keyholders can be exceptions.

Posted 12 years ago by jerk nugget Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Interesting idea. I would've never thought that people DIDN'T want their stuff to be restored. I will be more careful about what I restore in the future. Although I've never visited you and I've only restored friend's stuff so it wasn't me.
    Posted 12 years ago by Holly Waterfall Subscriber! | Permalink
  • well, sometimes (esp for me as a relatively new player) it was mostly that i wanted to upgrade. i.e. i'd like to have one big crop or herb garden as opposed to a few dinky plots :D or, you realize certain things are more useful as you get into your character - like maybe herbs are pretty but you don't really use them and you'd bring in more money growing a ton of potatoes for hooch or something.

    i've also seen notes asking not to restore as someone is working on a badge or a quest. (though, when i was doing my 'last egg plant' quest, i just grew that in my back yard so i didn't have to worry about it.)

    when i've restored at a 'stranger's' place it's because something broke down while i was using it and it just seemed natural to fix it up and not leave a mess - i'm sure many people have done the same :)
    Posted 12 years ago by jerk nugget Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I think better note pole interface could  (at least partially) fix this.
    Posted 12 years ago by nekomaki Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Oh gawd no. I wager over 99% of resources are wished to be restored, so this would mean making things worse 99% of the time.

    Just ask for a free no-no if you need some Wine Of The Dead to kill off a resource. Age some cheese for nice profit & your resource is gone.
    Posted 12 years ago by Sturminator i` Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Ah! I understand the reasons behind the suggestion.

    The best way would be to have the option to set whether a certain resource will turn into a project upon depletion, but that might make things too complicated.
    Posted 12 years ago by Mal'akh Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Maybe a flag the owner can place (bright orange triangular one) that indicates to let a resource be left alone once it gets used up?

    Wine of the Dead is also your best bet for street upgrades...
    Posted 12 years ago by ? elf ? Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I don't see any reason why a street owner couldn't just have the option to set a particular cultivation item to 'no-restore' or something so people couldn't start their projects for them. 

    I recently revamped my whole street to join a route and it would have really annoyed me if someone had restored something when I was waiting for it to deplete!
    Posted 12 years ago by Montooli Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Bright flag seems to be really good idea. You could buy or create flag (or get it as a special permission ticket from the crocs), which would be then placed next to the resource, which should be left alone. 
    Flag could work just as a flag (only showing intention of the owner) or as an actual stopper (ie nobody except owner could work on the flagged project).

    This way we could still restore items on the abandoned streets or on the streets where owner is temporarily not playing.
    Posted 12 years ago by nekomaki Subscriber! | Permalink
  • We have Wine of the Dead for this problem. The public nature of your home street means that things won't always go exactly as you wish, and there's the occasional minor inconvenience.

    C'est la vie, in Glitch.
    Posted 12 years ago by Pascale Subscriber! | Permalink
  • pascale - i realize part of this is "just how glitch is" and i do like some aspects - you'll never find me getting all bent out of shape that someone took one of my chicks, or harvested the tomatoes i was waiting for. but especially when it's multiple projects, going to hell and back (heh) gets tedious, costly, and detracts from the rest of my time i spend in game. and as i mentioned, the wine is somewhat costly at auction for a new player.  (again, esp when you have to buy more than one.)

    sturminator - i'm not sure how this could make things "worse 99% of the time" - i said it would be opt in. if you like everything to be restored, then you leave it as is. if i plan on upgrading something later, when i 'install' it, i simply say, as someone suggested 'don't let this become a project.'

    i swear no one ever reads the part about it staying the same unless you'd like it to change, lol. so i'd definitely have the owner be present and playing to make the choice, and keyholders would also be an exception in case someone was away IRL and their place needed keeping up.
    Posted 12 years ago by jerk nugget Subscriber! | Permalink