
*sold, a long time ago even! :o *


Posted 12 years ago by ??~ Auren ~?? Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I'm looking to relocate to Rasana, I currently have a little place in Groddle Forest.  How does it work?  When I sell, does the stuff in my cabinet and case get moved over automatically?  what about my animals?  I'm asking because I'm interested in purchasing your home :)  where in rasana is it?
    Posted 12 years ago by Tootles Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Nothing gets moved automatically except your trophies.  So empty your cabinets, take whatever you want to keep, because once you sell, it stays with the house.  Generally speaking, it's easiest to just get your stuff and leave the animals.  Maybe leave a small gift behind for whomever purchases your home later.
    Posted 12 years ago by Malc Subscriber! | Permalink