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Topic Instigator
Tiny Speck Statement on User-Created Merchandise? 3 replies    Latest: 11 years ago by Fnibbit Lead Subscriber!
Buying one game 32 replies    Latest: 11 years ago by pondicherry ? Sororia Rose Subscriber!
User Created Merchandise and Memorabilia 4 replies    Latest: 11 years ago by Yeti Spaghetti Kitsune Kyomoon Subscriber!
EDITED: Thank you all so very much 4 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Keeda Stuv Subscriber!
Auction win? 12 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Sol Hawk Sol Hawk Subscriber!
Sell your CHERRIES for 11c 13 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Sir Rachel Sewer Subscriber!
Seeking Street Creator Trophy Pieces - Trading beads/artifacts/etc (see post) 13 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by xombiekitty xombiekitty Subscriber!
Help me finsh my artifact <No replies yet>    Posted: 12 years ago zoey10189st Subscriber!
yet another artifact begging thread 4 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by The Docta The Docta Subscriber!
Need the wings to the chicken shaped brick [DONE] <No replies yet>    Posted: 12 years ago Cesca Subscriber!
Selling/Trading Duplicate Cubimals 3 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Every one Every one Subscriber!
Auctioning/Trading Rares (OPEN) 3 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Jenny Wren Miss Kitcat Subscriber!
Willing to trade Butterfly Bone Clip piece, Tiger's Eye or Nyanite beads 3 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Jenny Wren TanithLow Subscriber!
Looking for Artifact Pieces 7 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Miss Kitcat Avery? Subscriber!
Have Nyan bead & pieces (Nose, Spork, Apple) and want Mil Currant Trophy 4 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Asazi Asazi Subscriber!
Looking for Artefact pieces. 5 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Moi Moi Subscriber!
THANK YOU!! 11 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Pii Pii Subscriber!
Bobby Chuckles' End of the World Sale! <No replies yet>    Posted: 12 years ago Bobby Chuckles Subscriber!
Need Ouzian beads - Compete 2 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Maude Teacup Lady Snow Subscriber!
i have a piece of magical pendant available <No replies yet>    Posted: 12 years ago Count Battra Subscriber!
Cubimals for series 1 2 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Falafel Princess Falafel Princess Subscriber!
Trading artifacts CLOSED 2 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Leksa Leksa Subscriber!
Looking for Tiger Eye beads 2 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Misty Power Pascale Subscriber!
FREE!!! Anything I have is up for grabs! 11 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Moi Patricia Subscriber!
Open Helper Group Chat 1 reply    Latest: 12 years ago by Patricia Holly Waterfall Subscriber!
Looking for pendant pieces - have others to swap 3 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Pickle Bob ennuienta Subscriber!
Looking for Gnipperite Beads <No replies yet>    Posted: 12 years ago Canines Subscriber!
Buying artifact pieces <No replies yet>    Posted: 12 years ago Pickle Bob Subscriber!
BUYING BACON! 4 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by FTW BACON!! FTW BACON!! Subscriber!
nt <No replies yet>    Posted: 12 years ago Annuska Subscriber!
buying mysterous cube piece #! 2 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Jenny Wren armi Subscriber!
MusicBlocks 5 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by GO? GO? Subscriber!
Last-minute sale - selling rook cubi for 420k and nyanite for 108k in my tower 1 reply    Latest: 12 years ago by Innie?, Obviously Reirei Umezaki Subscriber!
Giving away chicken artifact -Closed 1 reply    Latest: 12 years ago by Talia True ?Spark? Subscriber!
artifacty swap? 3 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Morvydd Morvydd Subscriber!
Free to good home: some beads and artifact pieces 1 reply    Latest: 12 years ago by Glitch E wickedsharp Subscriber!
FULFILLED! Eye of the Tiger Eye 6 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Guided by Foxes Guided by Foxes Subscriber!
Final Artifact Piece 3 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Avery? Osiris ? Subscriber!
2 Rares for sale 1 reply    Latest: 12 years ago by Pii Piece of Pixieboots Subscriber!
Free to a good home: Beads 4 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Izaya Orihara Rosa Negra Subscriber!
Desperately looking for Piece of Cube #3!!!! See my offer: 5 mln + items! DONE THX OMG BACON!! 7 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Grigori Tesla Bobytko Subscriber!
Seeking: Pendant pieces #1 and #2 <No replies yet>    Posted: 12 years ago tofuchan Subscriber!
Free: 2 Nyanite Beads 7 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Wynella Sanwei Subscriber!
I need cubimals! 1 reply    Latest: 12 years ago by Sol Hawk Sol Hawk Subscriber!
(EDIT: Cracker is all that remains!)Piece of Chicken 1, 2010 Glitchmas Yeti (recent), nyanite bead, 2 cayoite beads, and Glitchmas cracker to give away! 5 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Sol Hawk Pyrrhocorax Subscriber!
Who wants 4 blue beads and a piece of glove? 1 reply    Latest: 12 years ago by Glitch E Sparklepunk Subscriber!
My Gnipperite, your Nyanite [CLOSED, I'm good thanks!] <No replies yet>    Posted: 12 years ago Pale Queen Subscriber!
Cubis Giveaway <No replies yet>    Posted: 12 years ago bumz Subscriber!
CLOSED! 9 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by OMG BACON!! OMG BACON!! Subscriber!
Cubimals 4 replies    Latest: 12 years ago by Jenny Wren Althea Adventurer Subscriber!
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