Count Battra

Imagined 30th of Remember, year 17


Status update
Count Battra

i really don't think i can put into words how much this place has meant to me over the last year plus. the sheer awesomeness of my friends and the community has been staggering... and very much like everyone else, i miss it terribly... it has been clear to me since a bit after close that glitch was an escape for me. the game, and each and every one of you has made me a better person. since close i've been a bit of a moody bastard, so i've kept myself buried in my old cave home in aranna where no one has to be exposed to me. Now more than ever i just feel so out of place and useless. so it's time for me to re-join the outside world. i have a pouch and i have a couple prints, with a soundtrack and a book not far around the corner.... and the sad thing is when i have them all together i'll enjoy them for a few days, then pack it all up in a box and store it away... for my sanity THAT sadly starts now, i'm logging out for good. never to return... Someday our paths may cross somewhere else, it is a small world (and getting smaller) after all. i wish you all the best of luck, we sure had some fun times... (((HUGS))) to all!

11 replies

11 replies
  1. BumbleBeez

    Aww Battra! ((Hugs)) I know how you feel & I wish you all the best (although I'll hopefully catch you around here... Or there..), we had great fun & although I can't quite let go (yet), I hope you find what ever it is your looking for out there! :)

  2. Mocha Maid

    Good luck - hope to meet you elsewhere! Will miss you. HUGS!!!!!!

  3. Hab

    I don't know if you'll even read this, Battra, as it was posted 9 hrs ago - I'm finding there are less and less of us here... I'm guessing for many of the reasons you have said. I don't know where to go from here. Yes, I am engaging in the outside world, but there is just a DAMN BIG hole in my heart where Glitch used to be, and I can't seem to fill it. *crying now, damn it* Not that I haven't tried, - tried every single game everyone has suggested and it just left me empty. What's worse, is that I did not TRULY completely appreciate what it meant to me until it was gone. I didn't realize just how many ways it completed my life and made me happy and tickled me and amused me and interested me and challenged me. And what is really, REALLY sad is that I don't know how to make that happen in RL. I just don't. *crying harder* I don't know how to find the happiness of leaping everywhere - the beauty of flying through a ring of clouds - the joy of jumping off a cliff over and over just for the fun of it - the loveliness of hugging a tree and having them say something sweet or silly back to you - the sweetness of petting a piggy and having him wiggle in delight - the amazingness of singing with a Giant, etc, etc, etc. I could go on forever. I can't find a replacement for this wonderful place - I feel like part of me DIED. I know that sounds silly and melodramatic, but it is the truth, and I can't tell a soul except all of you, because no one else can possibly understand the place of wonder this was. So, I understand what you are saying about packing it away for your sanity. I think that is what I do every day except for the few minutes that I log in here each day. I just can't let that bit go, yet. Probably not until the end. Best of luck to you as well, my dear Battra. We had the BEST of times - all of us. (((HUGS)))

    5 replies

  4. Chazerei

    I wish you the best, my friend - we will miss you...

  5. Brib Annie

    I did not know you well but you gave me many smiles and I will not forget the Count and his clones. Thank you for all the fun! I wish you all the best in whatever you do and wherever you go.

  6. Wynella

    Honestly hope to see you around. I enjoy your sense of fun. :) Take care!

  7. harriette

    Well, I am going to make a small Glitch shrine in my favourite room - Buntybot, MusicBox, a Magic Rock my grandson made, my harriette doll - and i really believe the whole ensemble will be completed by a Giant dice (die) - and this will serve as a reminder to always keep the memory of Glitch with me IRL - to be kinder, to jump higher and oftener, to scratch my butt and rock on my heels, to say yes to parties instead of no, to give bags and emblems to people for no reason, to cook with bat guano, and pet trees. I am a better person After Glitch and I thank you all so much :)

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Marley Cuddles

I love to stand in line at ATM machines, and when people put in their PIN, I yell GOT IT then run away.

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Status update
Count Battra

i don't have much to say here anymore, at least not anything that everyone else is saying... {i.e: i miss this place, i miss you people..., :) } but i still come here now and again to catch up... so ((((((((HUGS)))))))) all

5 replies

5 replies
  1. ?shay?

    I can't help but check the site everyday. Denial, I guess. *hugs* I always wanted to join your cult. :)

  2. ~Scilly~

    I still keep popping in for a wee catch up too! ((hugs))

  3. Shmoopie Kerfuffle

    Hugs to you, Battra! I wish I could be a Battra with you again! I know we will all be reunited somewhere someday! :)


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