Wife of ToeLivz

(Margie H)

I'm a very happily married SAHM of two beautiful kids. I love to cross stitch & sew and have a small crafts biz. Fave color ... PURPLE!!!


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Theremina Lute Theremina Lute added Wife of ToeLivz as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
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I...miss...Glitch. *sob* I wannit back nowwww. *pounds little fists*

3 replies

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Wife of ToeLivz

I agree with you SeerQueen *sniff sniff* I want it back too

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Wife of ToeLivz joined LAST HANGERS- ON
a long time ago
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Wife of ToeLivz

Want to play Glitch ... been nearly 2 months and still keep hoping something will change and Glitch will open again

0 replies


Wood Trees
Thank you for visiting my street & plz help yourself to harvesting all the trees. But also if you can plz use the fertilidust on the wood trees to help keep them woody, it would be very much appreciated! :) Thank you and Happy Harvesting! :)
A note!
I planted an egg tree for you :)
There was no tree ...
Since there was actually no tree planted here and you had all of your warning signs, I went ahead and planted a tree for you in your empty patch. Hope that was ok.

Have a great day :)