
Bag trading !

Since I only get here between shifts I miss alot of stuff ( like Glitchmas etc) . I have just got back and I noticed that you can now give bags to other players. These inventory bags also travel with the content (tested). So you could sell a bag full of x,y,z,  to any one with negotiated prices.
 I haven't tested the mailing of inventory bags yet , might do that when the servers are back up. But this is a bit of a plus for moving large quantities of gear or a mixed assortment to new players.
Unable to do a bag of items via the Auction site yet as you can not list its contents.  I think this has potential .

Posted 12 years ago by Gumby_Roffo Subscriber! | Permalink


  • You could always give full bags to other players.  I used to buy food that way from an excellent packed-meals service.  It would be great if they'd change the mailability; however, there is now a mailable gift box - although it only holds three items.
    Posted 12 years ago by oscarette Subscriber! | Permalink