
Gwendolyn Cubimal for sale or trade

So yeah, some kind soul gave me a cute Chick Cubimal... now I have a 5-a-day Cubimal habit. Don't start on the Cubimals kids, mmmmkay? That said: for those of us are already all messed up on Cubes, here's a sweet, sweet, cute as a button little

Gwendolyn for sale, 80k

Want to trade instead? I need:
Smuggler - but that's not going to do it on its own
Greeterbot - nor is this
Uncle Friendly - because it's nice to be friendly
Helga - because hell yeah
Yeti - because I didn't get this one yeti... see what I did there?
Rook - come on, a guy can dream, can't he? Maybe I have something, or even several things, that could sweeten this exchange if you're inclined?

Talk to me!

Posted 12 years ago by mofaha Subscriber! | Permalink
