
This is my goodbye: the best i could do; and it won't do justice

If you read my earlier post, then you know that I have lost all faith in TS due to either the actions of one staff member, or the integrity/security of posts in the forums.  Posts should not be changed.  My time on here, since September, has been an amazing experience.  This was my first game of the kind and, though I have friended many of you, I am not a part of the FS refugees; I knew little of what to expect.  Gameplay was like the game name:  Glitch(y).  However, somehow it worked.  And I can’t count the memories and good times.   Friends have come and gone; and, now is my time.  But I hope to share with you some of the greatest memories that I have from the game.  That means this post is going to be long, but so many roads of friendship. 

When I started out in the brain, and wondering around as a first time online-game player, I was lucky to find how friendly people in game were.  2020 Smoke, this-is-me, Treena and Teena (took me a while to get that one right), Xev, and GiaPaws!, you were some of the first I met.  This-is-me brought me under the bridge at GGW for the first time.  I loved the game.  I still had no clue what I was doing (that will be a common thread).  Somehow I loved this game of wondering around “aimlessly”…I take that back, it makes complete sense that I loved this game because I could wonder around aimlessly—the people made the game.

 I soon bought my first house on Ojan Repine---don’t know why, but I landed there.  My neighbors were awesome.  Mik Powers and Marie’s dad---hell, I think Marie’s whole family lived there.  Great people.  It was there that I met  Jessenya…she wasn’t quiet for long.  And after a few more trips to GGW, I met probably my best friend, Wrong Way.  For someone wandering around aimlessly, finding Wrong Way seemed natural and right.  Street parties with my neighbors Jessenya and Jillybean followed—Jessenya always had plenty of drinks.

 I thought to myself, this is the greatest game ever!  I met Malist, Herb Herbally, Serenitycat, Ascher, Finley Linker, spiceypup, RM and Jade.  I loved it.  A game where the point is to help others out.  I was amazed with how far the others had leveled and how much they had and how much they shared.  I hadn’t leveled, but I hope that I was as kind and giving to you all, as you were to me.  Then I got into fights with Gertiemack and thepheebs over trees.  Those trees were mine. 

Wrong Way then introduced me to the Mefis.  Surprisingly, this group was just as welcoming to a newcomer.  Phixion, Jessypie,  and TN, I think you were the first that I met.  I remember the first day, working on a crossword with TN in chat, while wandering through the game.  Phix and Jess, my two favorite chicks.  All of the mefies took me in with open arms—despite my continued antics trying to fill houses with Random Kindness, Gems, grain, and any other object.  Taking trips around Ur dressed as a rainbow with balonious, Sweet Tea Biscuit, Valett, Phix, Jess, aglet and WW.  LX, you made it into that photo too :   KG, Meghan, Katgamer, AdventureKitty, Moehr Ossum, Mr. OS, Quois, juv3nal, FromOhio (who is not, they are a band)…Thank all of mefie so much.  I’m going to try to post some of my alltime memories, to sum up some things.  The Ancestral Lands Races…where I met many of you.  Teleporting out of the backyard.  The mission of 100 rubes on one street.  Levitation school.  So many pranks and shared laughs.  Even when I was standing afk forever as Zombie Clark, things were great.  We all have so many memories of getting into places that we shouldn’t have been.  Jessie getting us into hell bar early, which led to me showing Tom C, tis and Lx.  

While I might not have made the record for streets, the kindness in glitch lead to another getting one extra street.  When you look at the leaderboards—to me it is you all—so many roads, so many memories.  Upon posting this, I will open up a party pack…either way; this will be my last road.  I hope you will be there.  

Posted 12 years ago by Clark Griswald Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I kind of agree with what dm had to say. It's their site. They're allowed to change whatever they want. They could make the word button off limits, and I wouldn't complain. I've had my posts changed numerous times in other forums for much less. And it's a 14+ site. It makes sense they wouldn't want the f-bomb thrown around. Why not use f*$# instead? Gets the point across with out getting anyone's panties in a bunch.

    Taking time off is an excellent suggestion. I've gone on hiatus now and then to play in other on-line games, but nothing beats the staff and community here. Sometimes it takes seeing how things are done everywhere else on the internets to see what a gem Glitch and TS are. What's considered an issue here would be so minor anywhere else that no one would even bother to mention it.
    Posted 12 years ago by le beebs Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Addressing this through private channels may have been the classier move. And taking a break is probably a healthy choice. If the game (in any form) us creating anger and rage, probably best to take some time away.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lord Bacon-o Subscriber! | Permalink
  • ...Didn't we have this argument AGES ago? As much as I'm annoyed with ragequits, I'm also sympathetic to his cause. So much so, that I'm going to bed now. G'night, and I hope everyone irons out their knickers before playing in the morning. Including TS.  ?_?
    Posted 12 years ago by Lady Cailia Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Lord Bacon-o, I'll say those are true words, and I'll agree.  But, if I knew how the semi-enforced regulations on the forum worked, I would have not worded my post the way I did.  I didn't bring it to a private channel because i felt the way it was changed was unreasonable.  

    For some reason I happened to read my first post again that day.  How many times do we make a post, and after it gets to 30 comments, we just skip to the bottom without looking at it again? Had I not seen it, without notification that those weren't my words, other people have an image of me created for them.  In the forum, our words are all we have.  Had it been changed to "[edit]", I wouldn't have had as much of an issue.  I think it is fair to ask what the policy is, because sometimes language is changed, other times it is ok.
    Posted 12 years ago by Clark Griswald Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm sorry, I thought you were leaving.
    Posted 12 years ago by dm Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The Graceful way to exit with hope of a return is to Stop responding :) This so reminds me of the "rage quits" in WoW, sad to see here.

    From what I've read, you've been Fortunate to make some terrific friends...why Alienate others by continuing to respond. In by the game rules. If you don't like how devs do things...Leave without the drama.

    I didn't read your edited post but I do believe game devs have the Full right to edit as they feel best for the entire community...not a single individual. Many games are messed up by "bad" community...people talking crap and stirring silly issues in other players.

    Given your early fun experiences I Hope you give this a rest and come back in a bit to the welcoming arms of your ingame friends and find fun again here.

    Posted 12 years ago by Anya Karenya Subscriber! | Permalink
  • My gosh Clark, for someone who ragequit days ago you still seem to be griping alot.
    Posted 12 years ago by Mergerthor Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Whatever issue or problem arises here in Glitch, I humbly suggest that taking a sugar approach rather than a sour approach.  It gets better results and leaves you with a better taste in your mouth.  I hope it all works out for you.
    Posted 12 years ago by FlatEarther Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Mergerthor - that's at the very heart of ragequitting!
    Posted 12 years ago by shhexy corin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Ragequitters never leave. That is what makes them so special. If he really intend to leave in such a huff, he would have deleted his account. He didn't, thus showing he was never really serious about quitting. Which is one can never take a ragequitter seriously. And why he has come back. It is why they all come back. We are just too irresistable! :)
    Posted 12 years ago by Tibbi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • 1. I probably shouldn't have said whatever it was was "f_ing awesome" (but I mostly regret it because it is much less articulate than I aim to be; the occasionally bit of cussing is not so bad).

    2. We have "add timestamp and note of who did the edit when a staff member or player edits a forum post, to make things clearer" on a to do list (but there are 1,600+ items on the list, so it might not happen that soon).

    3. We shouldn't (and generally don't) edit forum posts without explicitly noting that we did it. However, in the case of a player throwing a tantrum in the forums at the end of several bleary-eyed 16 hour days of a very complicated transition, we reserve the right to change "fucking" to "darn" and "shit" to "dang items" for purposes of hilarity. (Personally, I still think changing ending of the post title from "A Big Fuck You, TS" to "A Big Wagging Finger at You, TS" was very, very funny.)

    4. This is not such a big deal.

    5. Let's not pile on or call names, please!
    Posted 12 years ago by stoot barfield Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm glad to hear #2 is in the works. 

    Edited to add:

    No pun intended, I SWEAR.
    Posted 12 years ago by Sirentist Subscriber! | Permalink
  • comon guys this is really stupid. I hope this is the last post on this thread.
    Posted 12 years ago by Ultra-Dynamic Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm sorry, I thought you were leaving.

    Hey, please back off. His friends (I am one) have been BEGGING him to come back.
    Posted 12 years ago by KatGamer Subscriber! | Permalink
  • That's great, but the title of the post is still "This is my goodbye."

    If a game is making you mad, there's no reason to keep playing it. Walk away, be happy.

    If it's not this issue, it'll be something else later on, and we'll have to read another round of his goodbyes in a couple of months.

    So, goodbye.
    Posted 12 years ago by dm Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Such good times with us Clark, I wish you all the best
    Posted 12 years ago by Jessenya Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Say, "I'm sorry."
    Now, hug!
    Now, go play!
    Posted 12 years ago by bayBi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Dude... Can we just... Close this thing? Jeez...
    Posted 12 years ago by DamitaJo Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Stoot (and TS and the rest of the community): Censorship is NOT funny, and the fact that you think it is, is goddamn disturbing. Free speech is really fucking important to me, and I'm sure it's important many others. I don't think this has ever been a game for children. Most people playing glitch are 18 or older, and 14-17 year olds need parent consent. Saying it's not a big deal is a major douche move. Who are you protecting? Who are you laughing at?

    Censoring then locking a thread to cover it up is beyond immature, and from Tiny Speck it's unfathomable. I honestly don't give a fuck about Clark leaving. I met him a few times and he was a great guy, but the situation surrounding his retirement is very unsettling for me. I'm not comfortable with a game, a corporation, a country or a single person advocating for censorship because it's "hilarious". It is a big deal. I thought you had more fucking class than that.

    Censor that bitches
    Posted 12 years ago by La Mariposa Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Understanding and empathy are very important to me.

    We DO have a very active community in the  Glitch Uncensored group which may suit your needs!
    Posted 12 years ago by shhexy corin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • People make hundreds of judgment calls every day. It is not a big deal that sometimes good people make judgment calls you don't agree with.
    Posted 12 years ago by Vocable Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Censorship is a big deal, it's a huge issue, and to see it taken so casually (by players and staff) is baffling to me. What the actual fuck?
    Posted 12 years ago by La Mariposa Subscriber! | Permalink
  • meh I'm removing my own annoyed comment. But Volkov's comment thereon was witty and apropos, so you can imagine just what it was like. signed, Vocable.

    It annoys me when people conflate violent political censorship with your average joe or josephine's distaste for seeing profane insults directed at other people, some of whom they may happen to be quite fond of.
    Posted 12 years ago by Vocable Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Whoa whoa whoa.
    I didn't know this was a George Carlin thread.
    Posted 12 years ago by Volkov Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Actual censorship is a huge deal, certainly.  You know, where people live in fear of their lives for criticising the government, where the media hide the fact that people are living in fear by producing stories that say how wonderful the government is, that sort of thing. 
    Posted 12 years ago by shhexy corin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • NOTHING is free! For every action there is a reaction! This is why we have a "pardon" button in our brain.
    Posted 12 years ago by bayBi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I still don't see why TS found it necessary to censor those posts then lock the two threads to cover it up. Shady shit man, shady shit.
    Posted 12 years ago by La Mariposa Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Prsonally, i wish the forums had a "Whine" catagory, and this thread would be it's first contestent.
    Posted 12 years ago by Tibbi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Why would any company do what they want with their product?
    It's absolutely ridiculous!
    Posted 12 years ago by Volkov Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I am so sick of people screaming about censorship without understanding what it actually is. You signed a contract and TS is not the government, so the first amendment does not apply. The ToS clearly cites "vulgar" language and an unrestricted right to modify anything you transmit to the service - in other words, anything you post. You had an opportunity to read the ToS when creating your account, and to reject it by not creating an account. Therefore, presumptively, you agreed to the Terms. It is a bog-standard ToS that pretty much every internet service you've ever signed up for uses. Beyond all that, even in the public sphere your free speech protections are not absolute. 

    And before someone starts, I'm a radical uber-progressive filthy hippy who believes in free speech. However, I'm also an adult who believes that adults should take responsibility for themselves and their behavior - and signing a contract then whinging when a company doesexactly what they said they could and would do in violation of said contract is incredibly immature. This is not censorship in the sense of corporations controlling media reports of their bad business practices, which is reprehensible and disgusting. This is censorship that you agreed to before ever playing the game. Your recourse is to delete your account and no longer play the game. 
    Posted 12 years ago by blitheandbonny Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I still don't see why TS found it necessary to censor those posts then lock the two threads to cover it up. Shady shit man, shady shit.

    Please see Stoot's earlier post
    Posted 12 years ago by shhexy corin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • blitheandbonny, hear, hear!
    Posted 12 years ago by shhexy corin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • How do I go about deleting my account?
    I can't find that there button.
    Posted 12 years ago by Volkov Subscriber! | Permalink
  • blitheandbonny ++
    Posted 12 years ago by Vocable Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Necessary doesn't mean "I thought it would be funny so I did it."
    Posted 12 years ago by La Mariposa Subscriber! | Permalink
    Posted 12 years ago by OL. Der Dan Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Blithe I get what you're saying but I still feel like TS is using that power to laugh right in our faces. I don't think anything he said was "vulgar" - sexual or lewd comments would be "vulgar" but swearing is tasteless not vulgar. And a "do as I say, not as I do" attitude is a dangerous hypocrisy.
    Posted 12 years ago by La Mariposa Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I've done my time in the startup mines, so it's not like I don't understand the bleary-eyed 16-hour days. But Stoot, tired or not, this business of telling your players that it's "not a big deal" is uncool with me. It's not your prerogative to decide for others whether it's a big deal, and yes, I do think it's... well, about as big a deal as a Glitch thing is likely to get. Between the silent alteration of that post, this dismissive reply, and some of the weird ableism in that thread about accessibility a while back, I'm not too thrilled with the relationship that TS is building with its players. Glitch is feeling less and less to me like a good place to be.
    Posted 12 years ago by Dulcinea Subscriber! | Permalink
  • ODD or Merth, can I get an invite to that group? I'm maxed.

    ETA: +1 Dulcinea
    Posted 12 years ago by Aurora Dellaterra Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 Dulcinea, well said.
    Posted 12 years ago by La Mariposa Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Assert your right to free speech. But remember that TS has the right to free speech, too. And it's their site. So they have the right to censor. How hard is that to grasp?
    Posted 12 years ago by dm Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Merth - I agree with you, actually. I don't like that TS changed the post without putting an edit notice on it. And I also agree that swearing is not vulgar - but it's been pretty thoroughly established, at least here in the States, that swearing does meet the community standard for vulgarity. If you're standing out on a public street corner cussing up a storm, you can be arrested for disturbing the peace. I think it's beyond stupid to give that kind of power to a four letter word, but there it is. It's a community standard that I'm well aware of and therefore it is my responsibility to either comply or face the consequences of noncompliance. 

    And I think stoot has acknowledged that he used poor judgment in using the f word. (I feel like a little kid doing that, "the f word," jeebus) However, IIRC, he used the word in the body of his post, not the title. I strongly suspect that if the title of Clark's post hadn't been "A Big F You TS" or whatever it was, that the rest of the post would have passed unremarked. But since just a casual scroll down the forum topics page would show that in big bold letters, where anyone (including under-18s, because they do exist, you know) could see it, TS couldn't just look the other way.
    Posted 12 years ago by blitheandbonny Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I don't think this is an argument about what TS has the right to do. They clearly have a right under the TOS to modify or lock forum posts. 

    The question i think we should be asking is whether they should be, especially if they are going to change posts without some kind of indication the post has been changed.
    Posted 12 years ago by ThursdayNext Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Editing someone else's words, even vulgar ones = bad.  

    Just nuking the post = fine with me.  
    Posted 12 years ago by WalruZ Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The way people have been angrily using the word "censor" indicates to me that it's not just a question of should but a question of may.

    Should TS change posts? If they feel like they need to, sure. I do think it should be noted somewhere that the change took place, even if the mechanics aren't there. "Edited by [staff] on [date]" in italics at the end of the post would do.

    But it comes down to judgment. If someone on TS staff decided that all instances if "love" must be changed to "lobe," I'd probably have an issue with it, because it's a change based upon whimsy, not temperance (or whatever it's called when you clean up bad language). Editing out excessive swears was probably good judgment.
    Posted 12 years ago by dm Subscriber! | Permalink
  • "TS couldn't just look the other way."

    I understand that, but they took things too far just for a laugh. They could have handled the incident in a better way and didn't, and are unapologetic about it. The way I see it, Clark was singled out and bullied by TS just because he was upset about the way the move went down. THEN Stoot calls it a tantrum? I hardly think it was a tantrum, he was frustrated and expressed his frustration using profanity. Saying fuck in a topic post may be different than Stoot's "fucking awesome" comment in a stickied staff post, but nonetheless it's a double standard.
    Posted 12 years ago by La Mariposa Subscriber! | Permalink
    Posted 12 years ago by Meander Thralls Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +100 Dulcinea
    Posted 12 years ago by Tomorrow's Man Subscriber! | Permalink
  • They should have deleted your ass for being that filthy mouthed. A Big Fuck You, TS? Man, if I was Stewart I'd do the same thing Jay and Silent Bob did to those disrespectful assholes who talked shit about them on the internet!
    Posted 12 years ago by Electric Wizard Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I wasn't sure whether or not to add to this post. In response to Clark and the title of the post, I want to say I'm sorry you're leaving and I'm glad you had a good time whilst here and made some good friends :)

    In response to the censorship issue... I believe there are no bad words, only bad intentions. Using profanity can and should be perfectly acceptable in almost all circumstances. However, when that profanity is directed at someone in a hurtful way (eg A BIG FUCK YOU, TS) then under the ToS that player could have their account suspended or terminated. I think that editing hate speech in the forums falls under the provision of preserving the integrity of the service. It's not a free speech issue. We don't own this space, we are allowed to participate within it so long as we observed the ToS and Community Guidelines to make it a safe space for ALL. 
    On a personal note, I think it is the height of rudeness to shout abuse at the people who are working their fingers to the bone to provide a singular game experience that we are incredibly lucky to be a part of.
    Posted 12 years ago by Just Willow Subscriber! | Permalink