Nelnah Fish

Doors are for people with no imagination!


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Nelnah Fish

They have announced the time. See the forums or Little Poundcake's profile. That's... two hours and ten minutes from now, I think. Anyone still here?

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  1. Keeda

    Butterflies rest in the fruit trees.. As Nelnah tries to win the last post thread..

Smallchalet Smallchalet added Nelnah Fish as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
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It's my birthday.. What a gloomy day..

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Nelnah Fish

My favorite part about Glitch will always be the random kindness. The sharing funny, magical, or even the sad moments. No other game would let us have the website this long. As my friend Lotti once said, "I'll never forget this feeling of wonder." I'll miss you all.

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Nelnah Fish

Awesome :) What happened to you when you landed on it? Is that why there aren't any more snaps after this (yet)? The way that thing is glaring at you, it doesn't seem pleased. Thanks for all these new snaps. Now I'd better go tell Tanith.



Thanks... and goodbye...
Thanks for everything you gave me. It gave me tons of imagination. I did a lot of stuff on your street, and i hope that will give you some in return.

you're aewsome!

--Nelnah Fish

P.S. I left you six of them.
Thanks 4 the music, Ship!