Momo McGlitch

Was Heathermomo now have embraced my Scottishness :) Another Faunasphere refugee.


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Momo McGlitch

Thanks to everyone at Glitch, devs and players. I really appreciate all your support since my beloved husband died. You are a great bunch of people, and I am glad Glitch and Faunasphere introduced me to you.

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Scarlett Bearsdale

Tonight I really really just want to log in and wander around my house, fiddle with stuff in my tower, feed the pigs, empty the meat collectors, and be a glitch.

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Ann DramaDuh Ann DramaDuh added Momo McGlitch as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
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Momo McGlitch

Oh dear. Facebook has overtaken Glitch in my most visited sites list in Chrome :(

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Who'd have thought...
...being part of a giants dream would be such joy?
I loved living here...
Thank you Tiny Speck :)
Glitchin' in the Heights
As a young glitchling I spent ages falling down here. *sigh*
Jellisacs and Peat on the left, Bubbles and Rocks on the right. For Jellisacs and Peat follow Nymity For Route of all Routes follow Scarlett Bleasdale For Bubbles follow Lucille Ball Have fun!
I can see my butler from here...
Hey! What's she doing with that gnome?!
Disgusting - they'll put the piggies off their food!