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Where have all the people gone?

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bye for now and where are you? which games are you playing?

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  1. moucri

    I am not anywhere. But if you ever see someone named "moucri" hanging around somewhere, it just might be me. :)

Smallchalet Smallchalet added Dewa as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Hab Hab added Dewa as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
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Little Poundcake

To follow up on this, since I'm a numbers person and I know that some of you are, too: Think about how often you or anyone you know will click on an ad because it looks interesting. Not very often, right? We spent *well* over $10K (I don't remember how much) to get about 1,000 clicks on our ads. Those are expensive clicks. Okay, so we have 1,000 people who did not know about Glitch and then clicked the ad. They ended up on a version of the home page with a big shiny "Play Now!" button. Now what? Only 100 of those people decided to click the "Play Now" button, which took them into the brand new cloud and flamingoes tutorial. Boo: we just lost 90% of those expensive clicks. :( Anyway, bright side! 100 new players! They're playing! Except... oh, shit, we lost all but about 30 of them before they even registered for a real account. Fuuuuuck. When we stretched that trend out over more ad dollars and a longer period of time, it turned out that we would hang on to maaaaaybe 5 of those people for longer than a week. The rest just vanished, usually somewhere around level 3-5, never to return. Glitch was a wonderful, magical thing for those of us who loved it, but it was simply not loved by most people who encountered it in the wild. It sucks, but it's the truth. Tens of thousands of people saw Glitch and did not instantly love it! We don't know what's wrong with them, either. :( Ad conversion was a total shit sandwich. We tried! We put lots and lots of dollars into the ad machine after spending lots and lots of time making a new tutorial for all of those new people. We had smart people helping us target ads towards our most likely players. A few of them came, fewer of them saw, almost none of them stayed. As Kuke mentioned, we needed significantly more players. There was no indication in any of our data that we could get there — or even remotely close — with more advertising. In short, math: sometimes it's a bummer.

13 replies

Status update

Hi Little Poundcake, finally coming out of lurking mode, wow do I miss the entirety of Glitch......anyway, the numbers didn't work for me either when I tried to recruit friends to join and play. Did try though. And thank you for staying with us through the end times. It is comforting.

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Ann DramaDuh

Oh, what a shame. That Glitch didn't make it because most people "out there" haven't got a clue about what quality entertainment is. I agree with Hab about how new, interesting, quirky TV shows fold after one season because they don't pander to brain-dead viewers. For example: I loved the show "Life on Mars." I loved many shows like that .. but they all got pulled. The problems are (1) money, and (2) vacuous-brained people who only come alive when there is conflict of some kind to live vicariously through. The money part can be overcome, but the mindless, living zombies cannot.

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Status update

Hi! Missing everybody and your comment both conspired to pull me out of lurking mode. The american version of 'Life on Mars' had a large amount of filming done where I work (Goldwater Hospital on Roosevelt Island in NYC) I remember ooooo-ing the old police car props in the parking lots, had no idea what the show would be about. I've bought the dvds but haven't watched them yet. I agree with you completely about how most folks do not want to think / be involved with their entertainment and just seem to let themselves be brain-washed with drek. Wow do I miss the wonderful, funny, brilliant people who played Glitch. Forums are not the same.

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  1. Ann DramaDuh

    Dewa - It is so good to find you out of lurking mode! I will respond to your intelligent comment in a few hours. Right now, I am falling asleep at the keyboard (11:57 PM), so it's time to go to bed. I'll be back!

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