

Goodbye, Glitch & all the Glitchen. You were special, and I'm so grateful that I got to be a part. Hugs to you all.


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Thank you so much, Minkey. Your comment brought tears and absolutely made my day. :)

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Good bye and take care!! We didn't play together but I remember exactly why I added you. It was during the Clark Griswald thing. You struck me as so very balanced and a good friend regardless of anything else. I remember how moved I was that you and I believe Treesa were so calm yet supportive of your friend. lol, I didn't agree much with what the player was saying but I really felt a kinship with you two. I would say "Oh, Minkey, you remember the silliest things" except that it wasn't silly. Glitch were choosing sides, pointing fingers, hating at players because they didn't choose the right side...but you two were just who you were, never choosing a side. Well, that is how I remember it. I thought that was nice.

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Status update

Thank you so much, Minkey. Your comment brought tears and absolutely made my day. :)

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You know, I'm kinda worried I'm going to run out of things to say. HA! I just keep getting ideas about things to write about. Funny that I never updated this much when the game was up. Thanks to those cool people who liked or replied to my updates. And said that they really enjoyed this, because that made me happy. That feeling of Awwwwwwww in my heart.

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I'm your basic Champion Lurker, which is probably not a good thing, so breaking that pattern to tell you I have so enjoyed your updates and checked every day to see what else you'd written. Thank you so much. :D

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pondicherry ? pondicherry ? added Katee as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
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Goodbye, Glitch and all the assorted wacky and wonderful Glitchen. Take care always, and have fun in whatever world you find yourselves.

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  1. Minkey

    Good bye and take care!! We didn't play together but I remember exactly why I added you. It was during the Clark Griswald thing. You struck me as so very balanced and a good friend regardless of anything else. I remember how moved I was that you and I believe Treesa were so calm yet supportive of your friend. lol, I didn't agree much with what the player was saying but I really felt a kinship with you two. I would say "Oh, Minkey, you remember the silliest things" except that it wasn't silly. Glitch were choosing sides, pointing fingers, hating at players because they didn't choose the right side...but you two were just who you were, never choosing a side. Well, that is how I remember it. I thought that was nice.

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