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What? I see someone my FL finished learning a skill...that was still going?

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*considers belting out some Journey* (shuddup they're a local band)

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3 replies
  1. Chazerei

    Don't stop believin', my friend...

  2. awesome sauce01

    took the midnight dino butt going anywhereeeee

    1 reply

  3. Faereluth

    Don't stop believing, Hold on to that feeling, Glichen People . . .

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Marky Thirteen

is putting the following Glitchen in my game (in no particular order): Acro, !$harrump$!, Flush, Echo, Violet, Theramina Lute, snygyst, bitmOO, Josiah Thimblerig, Cleo13, Cleops, Saraphim, Rutger, Stoot, Kukubee and Little Poundcake. Anyone else wanna be a face in the crowd?

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All of the recent honesty and disclosure has inspired me to do the same. I sincerely hope that none of my close friends are too disappointed and that I don't burn any bridges by doing this but I have faith that all of you will be understanding. So....... the truth... I am really 18 months old. Some of you may have suspected already and many others are horribly shocked I am sure. For the record, I rarely poo myself anymore these days and I have almost completely stopped using it as a wall crayon. Admittedly I whine a lot, suck people's thumbs (mine is disgusting) and do the baby slide if you try to pick me up, but I will not apologize for my all natural milk supply. Don't you dare take that away from me. I may still be a little wobbly when I walk and have a funny shaped head, but I am people too dammit. That is all. I hope we can still be friends.

13 replies

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aw I just noticed the closed sign finally went away.

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1 reply
  1. Derkhan

    'Well, that was fun' is very fitting.

Reply to
Trucker Dave

I missed the last day. I was just too sick to do anything other than lay in bed on my iPad. I feel really...sad. :/

4 replies

Status update

i signed in long enough to give away all of my money:)

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