Dagnabbit Rabbit

(Terry Spigelmyer)

Enjoying placing pigs in Groddle Forest trees since Twoday 18th of Junuary Year 14. Sweet Sweetness! I am about to Ascend to a Greater Ur.


Voluptua Sneezelips Voluptua Sneezelips added Dagnabbit Rabbit as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Status update
Dagnabbit Rabbit

I'd also like to grow and share more herbs with friends, one of my most favorite things to do in game. Because it's friendlier to share.

1 reply

1 reply
  1. Brib Annie

    In Here Be Monsters we have lots of crops but the game has no Player to Player trading. I hope they add that , I told them that was a feature we loved in Glitch.

Status update
Dagnabbit Rabbit

Wishing I could milk a butterfly one last time...going to the grocery store just isn't the same.

2 replies

2 replies
  1. Zany Serendipity

    And if you put wings on the dairy cows, the farmers get a little irritated.

  2. kastlin

    And the milk you get from the store isn't fizzy, and doesn't taste like butterfly farts. *sigh*

    2 replies

Status update
Dagnabbit Rabbit

It's fitting that at the end we wish Stewart a Happy Birthday and continue to Add Friends.

0 replies


Kobold Bogfish
(species: dungeonicus dragonicus onlineicus) Care Level: Extremely Difficult, Must have Disco Ball installation kit. Origin: Cannith Server This variety seem little and inconsequential. However, having the attention span of a gnat "Oooooh! Shiiiiiiny!" and their attitude "I'm a Kobold on the edge!" make them frustrating to deal with at best.
A note!
I'll leave this unfinished...like the rest of the game. Taking with me memories of lots of fun with friends and strangers alike.

Take care & be well until we meet again! I've loved every moment here with all of you and .....this crazy beautiful world.