I remember getting the shafts of light above the underground patches here juuuuust right. God, we've been working on this a long time.
Lazy Cubimal
God? Are you talking to yourself again?
12 years ago
Mistress Splank
Was that on the Third Day?
12 years ago
Smiling Flounder
we love you... but we get worried when you refer to yourself in the third person
12 years ago
They're lovely!
12 years ago
Scarlet Begonia ♫
The beauty of this game is in the details. Thanks!
12 years ago
Okay, who let the pigeon back into stoot's office?
12 years ago
Lady Cailia
I'll have you know, I was wondering if you did that on purpose when I went to that street the first time (ages ago!). I still notice and realize it's gorgeous today. That's one of my favorite streets for that reason. :D ...Sadly I don't have much to do around there anymore!
12 years ago
Peter Verona
What's in the third person? I see firsterson singular and plural.
12 years ago
stoot barfield stoot barfield snapped this
at 8:08pm on September 21, 2012
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