Snaps liked by Chazerei

I don't even know what the hell I'm doing. I can't bring myself...
Taken by SeerQueen
Dustbunny, I thought we talked about keeping the trees on a...
Taken by Little Poundcake
Hehe, dolls(:
Taken by Shrimpables
Taken by Cleops
Ready to finish this room
Taken by bored no more
Taken by moucri
Eric the EndUr, militant at large, taken days before the end
Taken by FyodorD
Taken by The Docta
P'butts Butts M'butts S'butts.
The Ur is always darkest before the dong. I'm Batcleops! [Autumn...
Taken by Cleops
What i look like before i put on my makeup...
Taken by Kristen Marie
Taken by Mama Yahtzee
RAAWWRR! Waking the Dragon of Unnu Slight doesn't seem like a...
Taken by Hburger
A sleepy girl and her bear.
Taken by RoboYeti
My affirmation for today.
Taken by kevbob
Are you... are you part of the environment?
Taken by mostlyArmless
Taken by xombiekitty
VS's ghost: Door wide open
Taken by FyodorD
Guess which item is the most Precious! Thanks Wabbit!
Taken by Brib Annie
I suppose YOU know what's coming soon. Start squawkin', or the...
Taken by Ann DramaDuh
Is it just me or is that Uncle Friendly's testicles in the...
Taken by Cleops
finally you notice it :)
Taken by acreditando
where is tando?
Taken by acreditando
Taken by kevbob
Lab floor part one
Taken by jeremias
Images from End of Ur photo shoot
Taken by MoM4.6
One for the road?
Taken by kevbob
Donkey Kong - Glitch style - NES pixelated version
Taken by Cleops
Spot the difference?
Taken by Smallchalet
Mini Glitchen Totem Pole
Taken by Taco Assassin
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