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Have we all been brought down to this? I seriously need to stop glitch. Right now. The players(some of them, I still love the rest of you <3) are arguing over pointless things, people are hurt, glitchens taking on sides, we're totally ruining the community. I just want to point out their names right now, but I won't. I just want to say, stop this shit. Even though you think you're the popular group, you have no right to put others down for the sake of, oh let's just say, streets. Dongs. Vague, but most of you probably know what I'm talking about. I'm starting to think about leaving glitch now, because I cannot handle some of these stupid players.

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Status update

I empathize with you, greatly. The last few weeks I've been mostly offline. It seems as if many of the players aren't dealing well with the game closing and it's bringing out the worst in (some) people.

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The Sunset

I'm sad about it, but people shouldn't lash out.

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Aleph Zero

But isn't petty bickering What Glitch Is About? It's a time-honoured tradition. Let me pass you some popcorn and we can either enjoy the show or throw it at them.

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  1. OMG BACON!!

    No, glitch is about complaing about other people complaining. *throws popcorn*

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  2. kastlin

    That's a solution I can support!!! (Is it okay if I eat half, and throw half?)

Status update

"Be good to one another". We need to do more of this.

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Cherry Galaxy

I've not been online as much as I'd like (dealing with a convalescing cat) so I've missed the bickering. It's a shame that people can't just enjoy what time we have left in Ur. :-/

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OMG - Have you thought about blocking them? I know it won't stop the comments. But you should be able to enjoy these last days in peace. Remember that "the best revenge is living well" Lots of people would miss you here. Stoot, for one. Glitch did bring out the best in people. But maybe the nearness of the end is causing some people to revert to type. You're one of the good ones.

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  1. OMG BACON!!

    1.) I thought the best revenge was eating bacon in front of your enemies! 2.) Naw, stoot won't miss me. 3.) I can't block them all, there is over 20 glitchens. Plus, I'm not the one for blocking, even though so many other people have blocked me. In fact, the main person I was trying to 'tell you about' blocked me. Obviously they aren't ready to get a piece of me! >:D Thanks, you were an awesome friend on glitch. I'll miss you <3

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Status update

The end brings out many things in people. Some philosophize, some yell and scream cursing the darkness, some dream of things they could have done, some give away all of their possessions, others carry on like nothing is wrong doing their daily tasks feeding their pigs watering their egg trees. We are all grieving in our own way sadly some are taking it out on others. I choose to remember the good times the glitches i met, places i explored and the total craziness of a world where grain comes from chickens, eggs come from trees and you can milk butterflies. It's been a great ride and I will miss the good times.

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Frogger The Mad

Whether you go now, or stick around til the end, you'll be one of the memories that helps me remember Ur with a huge grin. But I sure hope you'll stay til the end and have fun!

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Please don't leave!!!!!! We love you!!!!! If you come to Alaska, I will feed you bacon!

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Well put Bacon!!, couldn't agree more.

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  1. Wet

    Glitch is over in a week. Mourn her before you leave.

Status update

Bacon, let me just say that I have enjoyed your posts perhaps more than any others. Missed all the dirt, but I say 'fock 'em. Fock 'em all, the ruddy bastards.' Stick 'round 'till the end eh?

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